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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

R1-01/99 On Site Ass and PPP at Kola NPP

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe / North Asia
€ 1,560,041.52
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2002
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

On Site Assistance



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Direct Agreement & AV DA


31/05/2002 - 31/10/2004





Project / Budget year

WW9920 Tacis 1999 Nuclear Safety / 1999


Kola NPP located in Murmansk Oblast in north western Russia comprised 4 power units of VVER 440 type reactors. Unit 1 is in operation since 1973, unit 2 since 1974, unit 3 since 1982 and unit 4 since 1984.

Within the scope of the "TACIS Nuclear Safety Programme" TVO Nuclear Service (TVONS), was contracted by the European Commission (EC) to provide support for improving the operational safety at Kola NPP and preliminary project planning (PPP) of a Liquid Radioactive Waste (LRW) Treatment System.


The objective of the present contract was to provide operational safety experience exchange to the NPP (so-called 'soft' on site projects) as well as the necessary services related to preparation of the Plant Improvement Project started under the Tacis 1998 programme and the follow up of equipment supply projects started under the TACIS 1994, 1995, 1996 and 1997 programmes ('hard' on site projects). The objective of the operational safety experience exchange was to demonstrate EU best operational safety practices and their impact on plant operation safety to experts, managerial and operation staff of the NPP.

The main objective of the project in the area of plant modernisation was to follow up and support the NPP with the implementation of the Plant Improvement Projects, consisting in the implementation of Specific Projects aimed at improving the intrinsic safety of the plant. This includes the finalization of several projects financed under previous TACIS budgets that started before signature of the present Service Contract. The projects and their statuses at the end of the service contract were as follows:

  • R1.01/94 C Replacement of Steam Generator safety valves at Kola NPP units 3+4 – warranty period ongoing
  • R1.01/94 D Leak detection system between primary and secondary loop for four VVER-440 units in Kola and Novovoronez – Commissioning of the Kola NPP part on-going
  • R1.01/94 F Supply of equipment and spare parts and upgrading of existing diagnostic systems at Kola NPP units 1+2 - completed
  • R1.01/94 G Liquid radioactive waste removal system for storage tanks (A1+A4) – delivery on-going
  • R1.01/94 H Burners for Kola NPP incinerator facility – completed
  • R1.01/95 A Fire protection equipment – Tendering failed, new project number R1.01/03A Technical Specification and Tender Dossier prepared
  • R1.01/96 A Steam Generator leak detection system for seven VVER-1000 units in Balakovo, Kalinin and Novovoronez
  • R1.01/96 B Tritium measurement equipment for six NPPs in Kola, Balakovo, Bilibino, Kursk, Novovoronez and Volgodonsk – Equipment delivered to Kola NPP
  • R1.01/96 C Liquid radioactive waste treatment systems (A2) – equipment manufacturing on-going
  • R1.01/97 A Development of ALARA methodology (including supply of dosimetric equipment for seven NPPs in Kola, Balakovo, Beloyarsk, Bilibino, Kalinin, Kursk and Smolensk) - Tendering procedure canceled, new project number R1.01/03B Technical Specification and Tender Dossier prepared
  • R1.01/97 B Supply of NDT spare parts – warranty on-going

The Soft On-Site Projects focused on the exchange of operational experience, transfer of know-how and particular training programmes. The goal of the Soft On-Site Projects was to improve the safety culture of the Plant at all levels. The task of the Consultant consisted in the implementation of activities related to the modernisation projects and knowledge transfer.

Radioactive waste management

  • Introduce Kola NPP to the various waste management systems used in western countries and especially in Finland.
  • Providing 4 to 5 improving proposals on radioactive waste management at Kola NPP

Project management

  • Introduce Kola NPP to the typical western project management practices and procedures.
  • Training course on project management with applicable training material

Outage management function development in Kola NPP

  • Develop the outage management function at Kola NPP by comparing these activities to their counterparts at Olkiluoto NPP.
  • Proposal on the matters to improve outage management in Kola NPP

Fuel management and handling

  • Develop the fuel management at Kola NPP by comparing these activities to their counterparts at Olkiluoto NPP
  • Proposal to improve fuel management in Kola NPP

Training in ALARA

  • Further develop the ALARA principle at Kola NPP, by giving training on Western radiation protection practices, experience and working methods
  • Training course on ALARA with applicable training material

An Addendum to the contract, dated 23.10.2003 complemented the Soft Assistance with supplementary activities to continue to support the professional training and education of the Kola NPP staff to familiarise Kola NPP experts with EU experience and practices and to discover proposals for further development of the procedures applied.

Training related to "Fire protection project"

Giving a presentation to Kola NPP experts on the basis of typical structural fire protection and fire fighting practices and procedures. Arranging a visit for Kola NPP experts to Olkiluoto NPP, in order to familiarise them with the systems used at TVO.

Training related to "ALARA project"

Giving a presentation to Kola NPP experts on the basis of the content of the ALARA project (R1.01/03B), widening the scope of the application of the ALARA principle in practice.
Project planning and management
Deepening the contents of the previous general project management course, with special emphasis on nuclear safety related matters in the plant modification project.

Goods purchasing practices and procedures

Giving a presentation to Kola NPP experts on typical EU goods purchasing and material administration practices and procedures. Arranging a visit for Kola NPP experts to Olkiluoto NPP in order to familiarise them with the systems used at TVO.

Nine (9) planned workshops/seminars have been performed with topics related to: Radioactive waste management in Finland, Project management, Outage and maintenance planning, Fuel management and handling, Training in ALARA, Goods purchasing, Training related to ALARA project, Fire Protection PSA and Project Planning and Management Program.

The overall objective of the PPP is to prepare the documentation needed for making a decision on the funding of the Plant Improvement Project (PIP), together with the preparation of the PIP. The selected project was developing of a LRW treatment system planned to be implemented at Kola NPP during the PIP. The following specific objectives for the PPP have to be determined:

  • Prepare the Technical Specifications (TS) needed to invite tenders for the equipment deliveries
  • Make a cost estimate for the PIP
  • Prepare an overall management strategy for the PIP
  • Make a proposal for the implementation of the PIP, including the roles and responsibilities of the project parties.

Five (5) technical specifications and related technical documentation were prepared for

  1. Sludge and sorbent cementation system
  2. Radio nuclide removal system
  3. Transportation and handling system
  4. Radiation monitoring system
  5. Special valves for process system interface


The direct agreement contract implementation with TVONS, as consultant started on 31 May 2002 and ended on 31 October 2004.

The progress achieved on the PIP project was the finalization of the Technical Specifications for five supply projects. During the contract period the start up of the project implementation was prepared.

The Hard On-Site Projects were implemented and proceeded as planned.

In the area of soft on site assistance several work shops and operational safety experience exchange in specific areas were held and proposals for improvement and training material were provided.