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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

Project U2.01/94: Engineering VVER1000 1

  • Closed
All Countries
Benefitting Zone
€ 1,244,422.49
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1997
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Design Safety



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Restricted Call for Tender - External Actions


29/12/1997 - 28/02/1999


Kiev Institute Energoproject



Project / Budget year

WW9406 Nuclear Safety 1994 / 1994


In the framework of the improvement of the performance and the enhancement of the engineering capabilities of the nuclear design Kiev Institute "Energoproject" (KIEP), the EC funded some projects to:

  • reinforce the calculation-analysis engineering processes at KlEP by means of computer codes
  • develop and implement their Quality Assurance System

To carry out this aim, the EC awarded the U2.01/93B TACIS project as a first stage (see the relevant PRS), in which KlEP carried out the selection of computer codes for several nuclear applications, such as thermohydraulic analysis, probabilistic risk assessment, radiation protection, etc. and started the implementation of a Quality Assurance System.

The second stage, which was developed under the present project, awarded to the Consortium formed by Empresarios Agrupados (Leader), Siemens, Belgatom and Framatome, the continuation of the first step, through the following tasks:

  • supply of the selected computer codes, engineering support, training and related hardware
  • Completion of the implementation of the KlEP Quality Assurance System.


Two major objectives were given to the project, namely:

  • To enable KIEP to perform the nuclear safety analyses using up-to-date computer codes developed in the EC countries
  • To implement a comprehensive QA system for engineering activities at KIEP.


The project was organized in the following tasks:

  • Transfer to KIEP of seven computer codes for the NPPs' nuclear safety analyses in accordance with NRA
    • Risk Spectrum (Task 3)
    • SYSTUS (Task 4)
    • COSIMA & PANDORA (Task 5)
    • WATHEC & DASY (Task 6)
    • CATHARE (Task 7)
  • Supply of computer hardware appropriate to run the transferred codes
  • Provision of training on codes to the specialists of KIEP
  • Evaluation of the QA System developed and enforced in KIEP. Preparation of recommendations on the necessary improvements of the KIEP QA System with reference to the IAEA and international standards
  • Improvement of the QA System in KIEP
  • Definition of the scope of activities to be carried out under the TACIS contract 97-0740

The most relevant activities carried out in the framework of each task are summarised in the following.

Computer Codes

The seven computer codes RISKSPECTRUM, COSIMA. PANDORA, WATHEC, DASY, SYSTUS and CATHARE were supplied including the related user manuals, the Software License Agreement (signed by both Consortium member and Counterpart), the training with the associated certificates of attendance and the engineering support.

The training was organized in several phases. The first phase was devoted to provide KIEP experts with the general knowledge on the codes. The second phase was used by the KIEP experts to practice on their own. The last phase was dedicated to solve any problems arisen during the KIEP practice period. User support was established by mail, telefax and telephone after the first training session to solve any user queries.

The supplied hardware was grouped in two lots: Lot A composed of four Workstations and Lot B composed of 10 Personal Computers and 7 printers. The technical specifications for the equipment initially established in the Contract have been upgraded to provide upper quality equipment within the original budged available.

KIEP experts stated that they acquired a good knowledge of the codes improving their engineering capabilities in nuclear design. All these codes are being used by KIEP in some projects such as Rovno and Khmelnitski NPPs.

Quality Assurance

The first activity was an evaluation of the Energoproject's Quality System to propose the necessary improvements in order to make the KIEP QA programme complete and homogeneous. The second stage was to improve/develop the KIEP QA System following the recommendations established in the first phase. Basically the process consisted in:

  • the establishment of instructions in the QA documentation system, improving some of the old QA procedures, developing some new instructions, adapting some of the old KIEP standards and removing the unnecessary
  • the development of new procedures (Functions and responsibilities procedures) and the review of existing ones to make them consistent with the instructions
  • the review of the Quality Manual (scope and consistency)

At the end of the second stage KIEP declared that the goals were achieved. The KIEP had a Quality Documentation System complete and homogeneous in accordance with the requirements established in ISO 9001, SO-C-/SG-Q and Ukrainian legislation. As a follow-up of this project, KIEP issued the document "Plan of the QA System Improvement for the period 1999-2000”.

Preparation for the Phase 2

The third and last stage in this Part 1 was devoted to define objectives and strategy of the implementation phase (Consolidation phase, Part 2 of the Project). These issues were defined in the document "Proposal for content of consolidation phase (second part of Project NUCUK94U201)" and "Quality Plan for consolidation phase". Both KIEP and the Contractor considered that, and the end of that second part, KIEP would have its QA System consolidated, implemented and ready for the QA certification process by the competent Ukraine Organization. This fact would also open the door to KIEP for future collaboration with other engineering companies in Western Europe increasing furthermore KIEP experience and improving its engineering capabilities in the nuclear design.

4) Comments (Quality of the results, Lesson learnt, Recommendations for follow-up)

The project met the objectives stated in the TORs and represented a major step forward in both the improvement of the quality system in Ukraine and in the development of autonomous, state-of-the-art capabilities in the assessment of nuclear safety.
As a follow-up of this project, KIEP planned to apply for a certification of its QA System compliant with ISO 9001-94.

Further Information

Further information on the project results could be sought from the beneficiary organizations.

The Project Final report is available at the JRC-IE archive