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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

Proj U2.02/94C regional NPP maint centre

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe
€ 861,436.23
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1997
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity




Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Restricted Call for Tender - External Actions


08/09/1997 - 08/05/1999



Project / Budget year

WW9406 Nuclear Safety 1994 / 1994


This project represented a continuation of the project U2.02/93C (see the relevant PRS), when the training centre was designed. Its aim was to continue the creation of the regional Training Centre at Zaporozhe NPP for training of maintenance personnel.


The objectives of this project were the following:

  • Further development of the Ukrainian Regional Training Centre for Maintenance at the Zaporozhe NPP (ZNPP).
  • Continuing training of NPP maintenance managers
  • Provide training for managers and trainers in some specialised maintenance aspects.
  • Comprehensive know-how transfer in specific maintenance procedures and methodologies.


The project was organised in the following activities:

  • Equipment supply and laboratory installation
  • Development of training material for maintenance personnel
  • Course on radiation and industrial safety
  • Specialised training course for maintenance managers

The expected output was:

  • List of equipment to be purchased and its associated Technical Specification
  • Installation of such equipment in their respective laboratories (Mechanical, Electrical, I & C, video studio and Radiation Protection)
  • Training material for maintenance personnel
  • Training material for Radiation Protection
  • Training material for Maintenance Manager Training
  • A description of the main activities carried out in the most relevant tasks and of the relevant results/deliverables is detailed in the following sections.

The project kick-off meeting was held at Zaporozhe NPP Training Centre during the week of Sept. 24th - 27th, 1997.

Task 1 The first effort was the preparation of Technical Specifications for the equipment supply and the collection and prioritisation of the plant needs. A workshop was held at Zaporozhe with two Western experts to support the Beneficiary and the Local subcontractor in making such decision.
The first project Steering Committee was held in Kiev to discuss the Equipment Technical Specification. The project schedule was adapted to take into account the process of the open tendering for equipment purchasing.

Task 2 "Installation of Laboratories: Design and Planning" started in March and a scheme of the laboratory layout including the different equipment was issued. The call for tender preparation started and it was completed by the end of April 1998. The contracts to the suppliers were endorsed in November 1998.

Task 3 "Development of Training material": the work was completed according to the TORs and the deliverable "Adaptation of other courses from other TACIS projects" was completed by the end of March 98. The document "Development of complementary training material" was completed by the end of August. The eight chapters covered the following areas:

  • Functioning of NPP
  • Electric equipment Maintenance training material
  • I&C equipment Maintenance training material
  • Mechanical equipment Maintenance training material
  • Nuclear Safety and Quality
  • Industrial Safety and Labour Protection
  • Radiation Protection
  • Maintenance Managers

Task 4 "Radiation and .Industrial Safety course": the training material from Novovoronezh Training Centre (Russian Federation) was adapted to the particularity of Zaporozhe NPP and was completed in April.
A visit to Europe of 4 local experts was organised. The visit lasted three weeks, one week in each European country represented in the Consortium.

Task 5 "Specialised course for Managers" started on January 1998. The training material was developed and provided to the Beneficiary, after a preliminary analysis of training needs for maintenance managers was carried out. The course was delivered to the NPP managers at the end of June.


(Quality of the results, Lesson learned, Recommendations for following up )

In general, the project met the objectives stated in the TORs.
Some sub-tasks could not be completely implemented, due to the delays in the equipment procurement phase, such as:

  • Task 2.5 I&C laboratory installation
  • Task 2.6 Electrical laboratory installation
  • Task 2.7 Mechanical laboratory installation
  • Task 2.8 Video Studio completion

Nevertheless, the Beneficiary provided guarantees that the delivered equipment would have been installed in the relevant laboratories, in time for the training by the end of March 99.

The success of this project was also due to the fact that it represents the continuation of an other project in the same area (U2.02/93C). The advantage was represented by the involvement of several eastern and western experts who already took part in the implementation of the previous project. The same teams from both the Ukrainian and Western experts of the previous project was involved in this project.

Moreover, from the beginning the potential critical issues of the project tasks (management of the supplies) were well known and therefore the managerial effort was concentrated on these areas.

Further Information

Further information on the project results could be sought from the beneficiary organizations.

The Project Final report is available at the JRC-ir archive.