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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

Pr UK/RA/03 Transfer Western European Regulation

  • Closed
All Countries
Benefitting Zone
€ 972,715.24
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1997
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Technical Support Organisations



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Direct Agreement & AV DA


16/03/1998 - 16/08/1999


State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine (SNRCU)



Project / Budget year

WW9608 Nuclear Safety 1996 / 1996


This project "Transfer of Western European Regulatory Methodology and practices to the nuclear safety authorities of Ukraine" was a follow up of a previous project which was implemented through two successive contracts.

The work performed under this project concerned the following 7 technical aspects:

  • standards and regulations for nuclear safety,
  • development and improvement of the Ukrainian licensing systems,
  • regulatory systems for monitoring operator training and licensing,
  • training requirements and training packages for regulators,
  • regulatory inspection of NPP pressurised components,
  • radiation protection of personnel,
  • environmental monitoring and releases control.

Each task was considered as an independent project under the leadership of a task leader, but the consistency of the whole work was checked in co-ordination meetings organised by the technical project leader.


The main objective of the UK/RA/03 project was to provide assistance and support the development and strengthening of the nuclear safety regulatory regime in Ukraine in compliance with internationally accepted criteria and practices

The specific objectives of the project addressed were:

  • Approval and introduction of nuclear safety regulations developed by the Ministry of Ukraine for Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety (MEPNS) with assistance of the Consortium of Western Regulators (CWR).
  • Development of a licensing regime.
  • Improvement of inspection practices.


The following activities have been undertaken under the project:

  • Review and commenting of the drafted Ukrainian regulatory documents by CWR experts.
  • Workshops or training sessions in Ukraine to present Western European practices and to discuss Ukrainian regulatory documents.
  • Visits of Ukrainian experts to EU countries for specific training or discussion of regulatory documents.
  • Development and installation at Ukrainian NPPs of a data base on incidents, modifications and functional tests. Training of the Ukrainian inspectors.
  • Recommendations issued and assistance provided upon the request of MEPNS.


(quality of the results, lesson learned, recommendations for follow-up)

The project was completed in accordance with the Terms of Reference and Final project report was issued and submitted to the Beneficiary organization in August 1999.