- Status
- Closed
In July 1992, in the framework of the TACIS 1991 programme, the Commission started discussions with the TPEG (Twinning Programme Engineering Group), a consortium of EU operators, concerning a methodology for the establishment and management of an EC Masterplan designed to establish a coherent policy framework for the Nuclear Safety activities vis a vis the relevant new independent states of the former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern European countries over a period of 4 to 5 years.
The purpose of the Master Plan was to define, in a consistent pluriannual approach, all the actions to be undertaken on the various types of nuclear facilities of ex-Soviet design, regardless of the country concerned, and whether the funding was of EC origin or otherwise.
The idea was to define the safety modernisation measures required at each type of reactor and to monitor the implementation of the modernisation measures implemented at each NPP, regardless of the source of funding (i.e. NPP Operator’s own funds, TACIS or other international donors), thereby maintaining an inventory of the modernisation measures required.
A contract was placed with TPEG to start the development of the Master Plan in June 1993 (see contract 22114).
Prior to placing this contract, the EC organised two seminars in Moscow and Kiev during October 1992 in order to discuss with representatives of the recipient countries in preparation for the development of the Master Plan.
The Commission financed the participation of two independent EU nuclear experts to the Moscow seminar and one of them also to the Kiev seminar. The two experts were financed through three small contracts (21762: expert 1, Moscow; 21764: expert 2, Moscow; and 21945: expert 2, Kiev) covering the daily fees and travel & subsistence allowances related to their participation in the seminars.