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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

Nat Training Syst UK NPP Personnel

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe
€ 934,259.12
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1997
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity




Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Restricted Call for Tender - External Actions


08/09/1997 - 08/02/1999



Project / Budget year

WW9406 Nuclear Safety 1994 / 1994


The TACIS 93 programme for nuclear safety agreed upon between the European Commission (EC) and the Ukraine contains provisions for a project devoted to prepare a Development Plan for the Creation of a National Training System for Ukrainian NPP Personnel. A project, U2.02/93A is specifically devoted to that purpose. A new project, U2.02/94A with the same title is provided as a continuation of the project started in 1993.

For writing of the Terms of Reference (see attachment) the recommendations and conclusions of the mission to the Ukraine (21 March -1 April 1994) of the G-24 Technical Working Group on Training have been taken into account. Results of TACIS U2.02/93A have been considered, when defining this project.


Basically the action plan for implementation of the National Training System is divided in seven major projects:

  • Planning of national NPP personnel training system.
  • Training of specialists for national training system creation.
  • Normative documentation of national training system.
  • Organisation of NPP personnel training.
  • Training-methodical materials.
  • Technical means of training system.
  • Training of specialists for NPP personnel training system.

The activities proposed for this the present project will reinforce the necessary human and material resources for the Creation of a National Training System for Ukrainian NPP Personnel.

The general objective of the project was to help to complete the development of a National Training System for the Ukrainian NPP Personnel, in order to improve the Ukrainian NPPs safety and reliability.
As specific objectives of this project, the following were included in the TOR:

  • A team will be created for preparation and planning of implementation of National Training System in order to disseminate a common understanding of the new NTS, to create the mechanism of NTS planning and financing and to organise a group of specialists on NTS implementation.
  • Training means will be supplied to the five NPP sites, to Goskomatom and to the Engineering Technical Centre in order to improve the material resources of the Plants. A number of classrooms will be equipped. A set of data bases for analysing and implementing SAT will be supplied.
  • A programme will be established to prepare the top level NPP personnel for higher positions.
  • A final arid significant objective, implicit in the TACIS cooperation, is the important know-how transfer from the Contractor to the Beneficiary country organisations.


The project has produced the following output:

  • Draft National Standard „Training System for NPP Personnel" (DSTU, policy of training).
  • Draft Quality Assurance programme for the NTS.
  • Draft organisation manual of the Training Department of State Management Body.
  • Draft organisation manual for a National Steering Committee.
  • Draft organisation guidelines for a National Project Management Team.
  • Draft training programme for preparation of the top level NPP personnel for higher positions.
  • Specific projects for the NTS implementation designed and presented to the Ukrainian organisations.
  • Developed Training Management System (a database) for implementation of the Systematic Approach to Training (SAT).
  • The Ukrainian managers and specialists which received training and know-how during the seminars in Ukraine and in the EU countries.
    • Hard- and software delivered:
    • training equipment for 21 classrooms
  • 6 sets of equipment for development of training material.

Further information

The Project Final report is available at the JRC-IE archive.