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Nuclear Safety Cooperation


  • Closed
TACIS Region
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe and Central Asia
€ 19,904.00
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1994
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Design Safety



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Direct Agreement & AV DA


25/07/1994 - 25/09/1994



Project / Budget year

WW9306 Nuclear Safety 1996 / 1993


The project is a small part of a general project aimed to develop and deliver simulation tools to be installed on the VVER-440-NPP sites (230/213). Multifunctional Simulators (MFS) had to be supplied and delivered to Novoronezh Training Centre and Kola NPP (See project R2.04/93).

At Kola, one multifunctional graphical interface simulator was to be installed with the capabilities to run two models (one 230 and one 213). For Novovoronezh, the project had to be in line with the results of the feasibility study and the data collection performed under TACIS 91 (project 1.7).

In the frame of the future project dedicated to the supply of Multifunctional simulators (R2.04/93), it was necessary to perform additional tasks to what had been included in the initial scope of TACIS 91/1.7.

These tasks were:

  • presentation to and appraisal by the representatives of the other project parties of the methodology designed to collect and organise the data of the Novovoronezh reference plant;
  • collection of the additional data specific to the other target 440/230 units.

This data collection had to be organised in total conformity with the work performed for Novovoronezh reference plant.

This additional work was performed under a separate contract with the main contractor of the TACIS 91/1.7 project.


The parties involved were:

  • Belgatom as project leader of the 1.7 Project,
  • Atomtechenergo and the Novovoronezh training centre Organisation.
  • Nuclear power plant management or local organisations representing them of the other recipient countries.
  • Commission of the European Union as contracting party.

The technical documentation related to the collection of the Novovoronezh nuclear power plant data was made available through the 1.7 Project.

A meeting was organized during which the structure of this documentation was described and a procedure to analyse and structure the differences between plants was set up.

The other parties involved then had to work out documents to serve as a basis to develop the proper data package of their own plants.

The resulting documentation served as a basis for the future contract (R2.04/93) that would be launched for the construction of Multifunctional simulators.

The results of this work were available in September 1994.