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Nuclear Safety Cooperation


  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe / North Asia
€ 436,821.90
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1993
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Design Safety



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Restricted Call for Tender - External Actions


29/07/1993 - 29/08/1994



Project / Budget year

WW9103 Energy / 1991


The objective of this project consisted of 3 tasks

Task 1: Vent Stack Radioactive Release Measurement Upgrade

This task was concerned with the development of the design of an improved monitoring system capable of providing the required monitoring performance and suitable for future back-fitting. The task did not include the provision of equipment or its installation.

Task 2: Neutron Flux Measurement System Calibration Upgrade

The objective of this task was to take advantage of Western experience to develop an improved procedure which could be applied on the VVER-1000 NPPs in order to improve the calibration of the out-of-core neutron flux measurement equipment and the accuracy of the reactor protection features which depend on it. This included the identification of any areas where new or modified equipment provisions would assist the achievement of this objective, and the specification of the requirements for such equipment. The conclusions for VVER-1000 provided the basis for a future study applicable to the VVER 440 model 230 and 213 design of NPP.
This task did not include the provision of equipment.

Task 3: Mobile Radiological Laboratory

In order to improve the radiological monitoring of the environment in the vicinity of NPPs, it was proposed to develop a design for a mobile radiological laboratory. The intention was to put into service one or more mobile laboratories based on this design. These labs should be capable of carrying out in the field much of the monitoring and sample analysis which at present requires samples to be returned to a radiological laboratory. Such mobile laboratories, with appropriate communication facilities, will enable more searching radiological surveys to be carried out, and the results from such surveys to be made available much more quickly. This capability would be particularly valuable in the event of an incident requiring the rapid evaluation of the radiological consequences to the environment.
In this task no equipment supply was foreseen.


Task 1:
Design of an improved monitoring system of the radioactive discharge to atmosphere from the vent stack under both normal and emergency operating conditions, has been performed.

Task 2:
Improved procedures to be applied on the VVER-1000 NPPs for the proper calibration of the out-of-core neutron flux measurement equipment and the accuracy of the reactor protection features which depend upon it have been established.

Task 3:
Design of a mobile radiological laboratory and estimate of the probable cost of the supply of a prototype mobile laboratory have been performed.