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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

MC2.01/08 - Enhancing national and regional preparedness for responding to radiation incidents and emergencies in some non-EU countries

  • Closed
All Countries
Benefitting Zone
€ 817,000.00
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2010
Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation


Type of activity

Emergency Preparedness


Financing Agreement

Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Non applicable


13/12/2010 - 13/12/2013



Project / Budget year

Modification to AAP 2008 - Part II - Multi-country, Armenia and Ukraine / 2008


The possibility of the occurrence of nuclear and radiological emergencies of various types has to be taken into account in national emergency preparedness provisions. In addition, the possibility of a severe nuclear accident that could result in a trans-boundary radioactive release requiring protective actions in several countries, although extremely unlikely, can never be ruled out. This includes low probability accidents in nuclear power plants, research reactors and the possible re-entry of nuclear powered satellites. Emergency situations could also arise as a result of malicious intent to use radioactive material for criminal purposes. One mechanism used by the IAEA to assist countries in developing national capabilities consistent with international requirements and to provide for the application of inter-national standards is to provide, on request by a Member State, independent reviews of the emergency preparedness and response arrangements. The Emergency Preparedness Review (EPREV) is the peer review or appraisal service offered by the IAEA in the area of preparedness for and response to radiation emergencies. Conduction of this peer review leads to the development of a comprehensive report and recommendations, which assist Member States in developing the country specific action plan on development and/or enhancement national capabilities in the area of emergency preparedness and response.


The overall objective of this project was to establish/strengthen coordinated national systems for preparedness and response to nuclear and radiological emergencies using an integrated all-hazards approach in compliance with the international requirements 'Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency' (IAEA Safety Standards Series GS-R-2).


The project consisted of six tasks (major results listed below):
Task 1 – “Evaluation of the current status of the national Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR) capabilities”

Self-assessment reports by Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine;

EPREV missions to Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Jordan.
Task 2 – “Identification of national needs and elaboration of an Action Plan”;

Four coordination meetings to elaborate/draft an Action Plan (based on IAEA GS-R-2) have been held;

The National Radiological Emergency Plan (NREP) has been approved in three target countries (Armenia, Belarus and Ukraine).
Task 3 – “Training of staff involved in developing national Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR) capabilities based on the relevant IAEA Requirements and Guidance”;

Twenty training events have been held of which thirteen fully funded by the Contractual Agreement;

Four national training events (Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine).
Task 4 – “Development and implementation of the Action Plan in accordance with the 10-step procedure of EPR-METHOD, 2003”;

Training and support to implement the Action Plan has been given to Armenia and Belarus.
Task 5 – “Development of NREPs in the project countries”;

Taking into account the outcomes of Tasks 1 and 2 NREPs were reviewed in the target countries considering IAEA guidelines (EPR-METHOD-2003).
Task 6 – “Testing of the NREPs”.

NREP exercises were performed in Armenia and Belarus.