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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

Management and Dissemination solution for nuclear safety relults - Report and web modules

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All Countries
Benefitting Zone
€ 31,342.50
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2009
Nuclear Safety Instrument




Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Framework Contract


20/05/2009 - 27/09/2009



Project / Budget year

INSC Support Expenditure Programme 2009 / 2009


Until 31 December 2006, EU assistance in nuclear safety to the countries of the European Neighbourhood Policy was provided under the TACIS Programme.
From 1991 to 2006, the TACIS Nuclear Safety programme allocated €1.3 billion (1,100 projects) to the improvement of nuclear safety in the Newly Independent States (NIS) of the former Soviet Union.

From 1 January 2007 onwards, as part of the reform of EU assistance instruments, the TACIS Nuclear Safety Programme was replaced by a new instrument – the Instrument for Nuclear Safety Co-operation (INSC). For the budgetary period 2007-2013, €524 million in Union funding was earmarked to support this programme.

The TACIS and INSC programmes were/are implemented by the European Commission DG DEVCO (formerly AIDCO).
Scientific and technical support to the implementation of the above programmes is provided by the Institute for Energy and Transport (part of DG Joint Research Centre), which is in charge inter alia of assessment and dissemination of project results.

Until 2006, summary information on TACIS and PHARE nuclear safety projects was provided in a database hosted by JRC, Petten, which was accessible via the internet. The web-based database contained project summaries of TACIS and PHARE projects up to programme year 2005.

In 2006, DG DEVCO decided to create a new database, with an improved web-portal and search engine, for dissemination of information on completed contracts of the TACIS and INSC programmes.

The objective of this web-based database is to make available to the general public basic information on all completed contracts placed by the Commission under the TACIS and INSC programmes. The information to be provided includes contract basic information (including, inter alia, contract number, title, name of the contractor, contract amount in Euros, etc.) as well as a brief summary description of the contract basic objectives scope of work and results/achievements at a general level.

The new TACIS-INSC website was developed under a contract placed by DG-DEVCO with the software development organisation TIPIK.

A prototype database was delivered on 15th June 2008 under the contract 146204. Moreover new functionalities to increase the visibility from the outside world and to improve data input were requested by AIDCO and JRC (contract 163322).


The aim of the tool (database and website) was to increase communication between all the stakeholders and to ensure the transparency of the nuclear safety activities.

This contract was a complement to contract 2007/146204 and contract 2008/163322, both signed between TIPIK (previously "ASCII") and the Commission (AIDCO).

The main objective of this third contract was the final installation of a single "repository" for centralisation and storage of Nuclear Safety project information, which was until then stored in other databases.


The debugging of the application was performed. New add-ons and tools were developed in order to improve the efficiency of the prototype delivered under the previous contracts.


  • Corrective and adaptive maintenance.
  • Independent macro function to re-format the existing data.
  • Integrated (to the database) tool to upload reports in batch mode.
  • Search function on Reports.
  • One-day training session addressing the encoding process in Brussels.
  • One-day specific training addressing control panel and MySQL database management in Brussels.
  • Installation and configuration of Content Management System JOOMLA.
  • Updated end-user manual.
  • Web management manual.