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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

Joint Mnagement Unit (JMU) in Moscow for the Mangement of the Nuclear Safety Instrument in the Russian Federation

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe / North Asia
€ 647,630.12
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2011
Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation




Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Restricted Call for Tender - External Actions


18/11/2011 - 17/11/2013



Project / Budget year

Action Programme Nuclear Safty 2011 - part I / 2011


The objective of the Joint Management Unit was to provide assistance in the project definition and development and to facilitate the coordination required to solve all the specific issues linked to the project implementation. In particular, the Joint Management Unit had to support the Russian partner in taking an increasing role in the management of the implementation of the ongoing projects.
The specific objectives of the contract were:

  • to provide assistance to the EC and to Rosatom in the project cycle management of the EC nuclear safety programme in Russia;
  • to maintain a website of the JMU as an information exchange system regarding the various EC nuclear safety projects in preparation and in implementation and regarding the results and experience feedback from completed projects.


In order to meet the objectives the Joint Management Unit has performed the following activities during the implementation of the contract:

  • establishing and maintaining the JMU office;
  • provision of administrative, logistical and technical services to the EC, and Rosatom headquarters and NPPs;
  • keeping the EC and the Russian side up-to-date on progress of TACIS nuclear safety projects and on other nuclear safety related issues in Russia;
  • developing and maintaining an improved understanding by JMU staff of DEVCO project cycle management and TACIS rules and procedures;
  • dissemination of information on TACIS nuclear safety projects to the respective stakeholders, including managing and updating of a project database as well as the JMU website for dissemination of information on the EC nuclear safety programme;
  • preparing periodic reports;
  • attending relevant project and programme meetings;
  • providing general administrative assistance to EuropeAid’s Nuclear Safety Unit and to Rosatom as needed.

The contract took effect on 18 November 2009 and had a duration of 24 months. This was the final contract for the Joint Management Unit in Moscow. By the end of the contract, the TACIS programme implementation in the Russian Federation was almost completed. In addition to the above activities, the Contractor ensured proper closure of the JMU offices and facilities and transfer of all necessary files, data and information to the EC services.

By the end of the project all tasks as defined in the JMU ToR had been successfully completed by the project Team. The JMU has been considered by the European and Russian partners as a helpful instrument to support the preparation and implementation of the Nuclear Safety Programme projects in the Russian Federation.

The success in the implementation of the activities assigned to the JMU was achieved mainly due the experience and dedication of the staff which gained respect of the partners and helped to maintain excellent working relations and understanding with Russian partners at working level and middle-level management. Rosatom acknowledged and supported the JMU in its role as effective liaison with EC DEVCO.