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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

INSC exploratory mission to Ukraine - contract with expert

  • Closed
All Countries
Benefitting Zone
€ 9,900.00
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2011
Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation


Type of activity

Technical expertise



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Single tender - External Actions


06/02/2011 - 05/04/2011



Project / Budget year

Action Programme Nuclear Safety 2010 - part I / 2010


The 1995 "Memorandum Of Understanding Between The Governments Of The G-7 Countries And The Commission Of The European Communities And The Government Of Ukraine On The Closure Of The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant", foresees a "Social Impact Plan" where "Ukraine and the G-7 recognize the implications of the closure of the Chernobyl plant for the workers and their families. The European Commission and the Government of the United States will assist the Government of Ukraine to develop an Action Plan for addressing the social impacts of the closure of Chernobyl."

In the wake of this MoU, social impact was addressed in various ways, for example by providing healthcare for children in the radiation polluted areas.

The European Parliament included in the 2009 General Budget Article 19 06 04 01 an appropriation "intended for monitoring and investigating the consequences of the Chernobyl accident on human health and the environment in the neighbouring countries, especially Ukraine and Belarus, as well as its socio-economic impact."

In addition, the European Parliament amended Item 19 08 01 03 "European Neighbourhood and Partnership financial cooperation with Eastern Europe" (Amendment 0921) as follows:
"This appropriation is also intended to fund research on human health and the sustainable development of Ukraine and Belarus, especially as regards improving health conditions in the regions affected by the Chernobyl disaster".

The Ivankiev Region was selected for the implementation of the project.

Previous studies had shown that the medical facilities in the region had limited capacity and were poorly equipped. Furthermore, at the Central Hospital, the surgery, gynaecology and neurology services and emergency reception were located in an old sanatorium built in the 1960s, while the obstetric and infectious diseases services were located in a building dating from the 1920s. Neither of these buildings had been renovated in compliance with newer standards since their construction.

In order to tackle the human health issues in the region it was decided to support healthcare measures targeted at the population affected by the radioactive consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP, thereby improving their general quality of life. The present project comprised a first preparatory step.


The overall objective of the project was to assist DG DEVCO with:

  • An analysis of the situation of the concerned sector;
  • A description of the activities to be financed;
  • A description of the main actors;
  • The expected results in relation to quantitative and qualitative indicators;
  • The management modes;
  • An indicative budget;
  • An indicative calendar for the implementation;

The work to be provided consisted in an exploratory mission to the region to analyse the situation in Ivankiev, in particular the existing hospital buildings, their current state, and whether rehabilitation of some buildings/services would be feasible or if a new structure should be envisaged for a new facility of specified capacity in terms of its medical departments and number of beds, as well as its technical and medical equipment.

The results to be achieved by the Consultant were the following:

  • ensure that all problems are identified and alternative solutions are appraised and suggest a preferred alternative on the basis of Quality Factors.
  • provide decision makers in the Ukrainian Government and the European Union with sufficient information to justify the acceptance, modification or rejection of the proposed project idea, and determine the scope of follow-up planning work (i.e. a feasibility/design study).

The results were to be reflected in:

  • A mission report, to be issued within five calendar days following the return from the mission and
  • A final report to be drafted within ten calendar days following the return from the mission


The contract was signed in February 2011. The mission was carried out in accordance of the Terms of Reference of this contract.