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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

Improvement of scientific & technical support to the nuclear and radiation safety regulation in Ukraine by developing the infrastructure of SSTC NRS and its subsidiaries

  • Closed
TACIS Region
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe and Central Asia
€ 772,721.00
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2002
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Technical Support Organisations



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Direct Agreement & AV DA


24/11/2003 - 24/11/2005



Project / Budget year

ZZ0003 Nuclear Safety 2000 / 2000


The objectives of this project U3.02/00 (SV) were the following:

  • Transfer of know-how and training of SSTC NRS (The Ukrainian Technical Support Organisation for nuclear safety) personnel.
  • Improvement of the methodology of expert evaluations and expert reviews using transferred software and know-how.
  • Familiarisation with software to assess the environmental impact of radioactive waste facilities, nuclear power plant information and control (NPP I&C) systems software and software tools for assessing NPP I&C systems reliability.
  • Transfer of know-how to SSTC NRS in the fields of personnel training,
  • Information support to expert activities.

Software and related know-how was transferred to the SSTC NRS within a separate supply contract (UK/TS/25E)


This project covered the scientific and technical support by developing the infrastructure of SSTC NRS and its three subsidiaries:

1. Development of capabilities of the SSTC NRS Slavutich subsidiary regarding the methodologies for safety assessment of radioactive waste storage facilities (Sub_task 2.1), and development and implementation of an Information and Reference System on normative documents (Sub_task 2.2).

Within sub_task 2.1 a guidance document on the application of software for impact assessment of radioactive waste facilities was developed. SSTC NRS experts were trained in the application of the software tool using data of a Chernobyl exclusion zone facility, under consideration of the Ukrainian legal and site-specific conditions.

Within subtask 2.2 a demo-version and a final version of an Information and Reference System was installed at the SSTC NRS subsidiary in Slavutich which was first used for the archiving of regulatory documents for the nuclear safety regulator SNRCU and SSTC.

2. Development of capabilities of SSTC NRS Kharkiv Subsidiary by the introduction of safety review computer tools (software utilities) for assessing the compliance of upgraded Ukrainian NPP's I&C systems with regulatory requirements and specifications (Subtask 3.1) and for assessing the reliability of upgraded Ukrainian NPP's I&C systems (Subtask 3.2).

This task included the preparation of the technical specification for project UK/TS/25E. Furthermore, the "Guideline for applying the package of software utilities to I&C safety assessment" and "Guideline for applying software in assessing NPP I&C reliability" have been developed.

These guidelines were used for a safety review of the software of the upgraded I&C system of South Ukrainian NPP-1.

3. Development of capabilities of SSTC NRS Odessa Subsidiary by preparation of training course materials and by providing training of SSTC NRS experts (Task 4).

This task consisted of subtask 4.1 - course planning - and subtask 4.2 - course development and presentation. The task included a training course "General Issues of Nuclear and Radiation Safety Assurance" which was presented on 14-18 March, to 24 trainees from SSTC NRS, SNRCU and Chernobyl NPP, in the training facility of the SSTC NRS in Slavutich.