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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

Implementation of the Qualitative Inspec

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe
€ 5,608,614.15
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1995
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

On Site Assistance



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Restricted Call for Tender - External Actions


22/02/1996 - 22/01/1998



Project / Budget year
  • UR9601 Action plan energy in ukr / 1996
  • UR9402 Energy Sector 1994 / 1994


The completion of construction and safety upgrading of new nuclear units, to compensate the reduction in the electricity production due to the planned closure of Chernobyl NPP, was part of the G-7/EU Action Plan for the energy sector of Ukraine. The European Commission took a leading role in the implementation of this plan. The works implemented were related to the two new (at that time) VVER 1000 reactors in Ukraine: unit 4 of Rovno NPP (R-4) and unit 2 of Khmelnitsky NPP (Kh-2).
The contract (23635 [95-2344.00]) covered one additional task that was not included in the Main Contract (Contracts Nos 23368 [95-1295.00] and 24746 [97-0262.00]) “Support to the R-4 and Kh-2 NPPs owner for the project management of the completion and safety upgrading of the plants”, namely the implementation of the qualitative inspection.


The overall objective was to support Energoatom in the implementation of the “qualitative inspection”, including preparation and management of the corresponding implementation contracts. This involved the sub-contracting of a number of inspection sub-contractors to perform inspections at the NPP in accordance with a list of technical items requiring investigation. The list of technical items to be investigated by the different inspection sub-contractors was established by the Contractor.
The objectives of the original ToR for the project also mentioned “urgent preservation works” but these were finally excluded from the current project due to budget limitations, and it was agreed that Rovno and Khmelnitsky NPPs would accomplish all necessary measures for preservation of the installed equipment.


The following activities were performed in this Project.
Performance of qualitative inspection:

elaboration of the ToR for implementation contracts;
preparation of a typical implementation contract;
preparation of implementation contracts;
definition of the inspection programme;
preparation of detailed inspection procedures;
processing of implementation contracts
supervision of the implementation;
providing of a procurement agent service;
preparation of the final inspection report and recommendations.
In general the specific objectives of the project were successfully implemented by the Consortium EDF-Tractebel-IVO.