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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

G3.01/06 - GE/RA/02 Development of Safety and Regulatory requirements for RWM and licensing support for RWM facilities

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe
€ 456,559.39
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2008
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Regulatory Authorities



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Negotiated Procedure - External Actions


06/12/2008 - 06/12/2010



Project / Budget year

TACIS 2006 Nuclear Safety Action Programme / 2006

This project consisted of the transfer of European Regulatory methodology and practices to the Nuclear Safety Authority (NRSS) of Georgia. The project was implemented in 2009 and 2010 and continues the work carried out in project GE/RA/01.

The technical tasks of the project were:

Task 1: This task provided support for the review of the current regulatory framework in the field of radioactive waste management and storage. The draft laws “on Nuclear and Radiation Safety” and “On Radioactive Waste and Waste Management facilities” were finalized, using experience from the EU.

Task 2: This task was subdivided in two sub-tasks: establishing the regulatory requirements for Radwaste storage facility (sub-task 2.1) and for Radwaste disposal facility (sub-task 2.2.). As a result of those sub-tasks, the draft regulations “General requirements for the content of a Safety Analysis Report (SAR) of a storage facility” and “general requirements for the content of a SAR of a near-surface disposal facility” were improved, based on EU experience.

Task 3: This task consisted of support for the safety evaluation of the RadWaste storage facility. As the SAR of the industrial facility in Georgia was not available as planned, the safety evaluation has been carried out with the SAR of another existing storage facility in Europe, in order to allow the transfer of knowledge to NRSS.

Task 4: This task aimed to provide support to NRSS for the review of the country strategy for Radwaste management and it resulted in a strategy paper for Radwaste management prepared by NRSS and including the recommendations of the EU experts.

Task 5: This task consisted of assisting NRSS for the definition of future cooperation programmes.

Task 6: This task aimed to allow limited participation of NRSS experts in international conferences. In this framework, one Georgian expert attended training courses about institutional capacity building at the University of Palermo and another one participated in the Eurosafe forum in Cologne.