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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

Follow-up of contract R2.12/94 MFS Adaptation to Novovovoronezh training center needs

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe / North Asia
€ 450,000.00
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2002
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States




Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Direct Agreement & AV DA


02/09/2002 - 02/09/2003



Project / Budget year

WW9817 Nuclear Safety 1998 / 1998


The wider objective of the project was intended to strengthen the Nuclear Safety through the support of the training system and training facilities at Russian NPP’s.

The main specific objective was to implement the connection of the existing multifunctional simulator to control panels at the Novovoronezh Training Centre by supplying a modern state-of-the-art full scope replica simulator for training of operators of the Novovoronezh unit and other similar units in Russia and other countries, thus providing a direct contribution to the improvements of operational safety of older generation VVER-440 NPPs in Russia. The simulator had to represent the real control room of Novovoronezh Unit 3. This work required a certain amount of modifications within the original simulation system, the installation, connection, and testing of an Input/Output system for the communication between the simulation computer and the control panels. It was not expected to implement any model adaptations or modifications, which may have been required due to the evolution of the reference plant since the delivery of the multifunctional simulator. The contract also included the activities necessary to complete the the work started under contract 24692.

The detailed description of the work performed by the Consultant is presented below:

Task 1: Project preparation

  • verification of the existing data package and specification,
  • preparation of remaining open questions,
  • preparation of detailed project programme and organisation,
  • preparation of detailed project time schedule and the project related Q-A-programme.

Task 2:On-site start-up workshop

  • discussion of the detailed project programme and organisation,
  • discussion of detailed project time schedule,
  • I/O acceptance tests specification
  • examination of the remaining open questions – final agreement on scope definition in conformity with the ToR.

Task 3: Connection methodology and I/O system design

  • I/O system implementation design,
  • I/O system cabling design and instructions.

Task 4: On-site training

  • cabling methodology,
  • software tools for MFS software adaptation.

Task 5: I/O system delivery and cabling

  • I/O system purchase,
  • I/O system verification,
  • I/O system transportation,
  • I/O cabling

Task 6: MFS software adaptation

  • adaptation of the existing software to the new operational environment,
  • development of communication software.

Task 7: On-site integration

  • implementation of the modified software,
  • implementation of the communication software,
  • new instructor station functionality.

Task 8: Validation

  • communication system validation,
  • know-how transfer on maintenance procedures to the maintenance staff of the beneficiary by means of a hands-on workshop.


The project was completed according to the Terms of Reference requests.

The following items were delivered in the course of the project:

Task 1 and 2

Deliverable 1:

  • detailed project schedule,
  • project Q-A Plan,
  • configuration management procedure

Task 3, 4 and 5

Deliverable 2:

  • hard panels cabling methodology guideline,
  • design file for I/O system implementation,
  • guideline for the I/O cross reference database,
  • I/O system testing methodology.

Task 6 and 7

Deliverable 3:

  • specification file for Instructor station upgrades,
  • specification and design files for the communication software,
  • software integration plan,
  • result of the unit testing for the communication software,
  • user and maintenance manuals.

Task 8

Deliverable 4:

  • acceptance tests reports filled in,
  • taking over certificate signed.