- Status
- Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe / North Asia
€ 349,349.99
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1993
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States
The objective of the project was to improve the existing active fire fighting system, to increase passive and active fire protection and to review secondary effects mitigation of the Novovoronezh and Kola NPPs as first application.
Phase 1 (Pre-Phase)
Criteria and requirements to improve the fire protection technology have been defined and agreed upon.
Phase 2 (Conceptual Phase)
- The existing documents and proposed changes for fire protection have been reviewed and approved;
- Issue of guide documents;
- Drawing up conceptual design through definition of changes to be implemented on the NPP;
- Collection of background information about Kola 1+2, developing the related design review, application of what has been developed in Novovoronezh.
Phase 3 (Confirmation Phase)
Design of components and structures has been performed (to be procured outside this project).