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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

Everest Project - on-site mission to Medzamor

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Western Asia
€ 19,902.94
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1997
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States




Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Direct Agreement & AV DA


18/04/1997 - 18/06/1997


Armenian NPP



Project / Budget year

WW9608 Nuclear Safety 1996 / 1996


Due to the long shutdown period of the Armenian (Metsamor) Nuclear Power Plant (ANPP), the plant personnel training had been substantially reduced. Although some personnel training was provided before and after the plant start, it was necessary to establish on-site training facilities, including a plant simulator, which would allow the plant personnel to attend training sessions easily and frequently. For such a purpose, a computer-based multifunctional simulator (MFS) was seen as the best and most cost-effective option.
During previous TACIS/PHARE projects (TACIS R2.04/93, U2.03/93 and PHARE 93/4.1.3), commonly known as the EVVEREST project, 8 multifunctional simulators were developed and delivered to other VVER-440 plants in Russia (Novovoronezh, Kola NPP), Ukraine (Rovno NPP) and Slovakia (J.Bohunice NPP). Based on these projects, the EVVEREST Consortium (Belgatom, Corys T.E.S.S and Siemens) organized a mission to the Armenian NPP (ANPP). The mission was covered by a separate 1997/24672 (formerly 97-0188) contract (amounting to € 19,903), preceding the main A2.01/96 project (contract No. 25665, formerly 98-0373) aimed at development and supply of the multifunctional simulator to ANPP.


The aim of the 1997/24672 contract was to perform a mission at the Metsamor NPP and determine how the MFS could be developed for this plant taking advantage of the previous developments performed for the EVVEREST project.


The 1997/24672 contract was scheduled for 2 months. It actually started on 18/04/1997 and finished on 18/06/1997.
The mission itself took place from 21/04/1997 to 25/04/1997 with 3 participants from Belgatom, Corys T.E.S.S. and Siemens. In addition, a MFS end-user’s representative from VUJE Slovakia, familiar with the ANPP, was asked to participate too.
During the mission, the EVVEREST Consortium representatives explained the history of the project and scope of simulation provided by the MFS. The ANPP representatives expressed their intention to install the MFS (with a possibility of further development), but as an intermediate stage before installation of a full-scope simulator (the main control room replica).
Then plant system documents were then reviewed and specific features of the ANPP were discussed, which resulted in selection of the other VVER-440 plants closest to the ANPP.
Based on the discussions and plant document reviews, the specific ANPP features were listed and a simulator development methodology was proposed. It was recommended that the ANPP primary and electrical system models could be based on the J. Bohunice MFS, while the secondary system MFS models would be based on the Novovoronezh ones.
During the mission, the issue of a prospective local Armenian subcontractor was discussed. As a most appropriate candidate, the ARMATOM Institute was considered because of its good professional capacity and involvement in development of the Novovoronezh MFS.
Based on the mission results, the EVVEREST Consortium proposed establishment of an EC-funded project on installation of the MFS at the Metsamor NPP in 1998. This proposal has been accomplished in the A2.01/96 project starting in November 1998 (see the dissemination summary on the contract No. 25665).


It can be concluded that objectives of the contract have been fully met and that the results delivered have been of good quality.