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Nuclear Safety Cooperation


  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe
€ 1,318,759.67
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1995
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity




Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Restricted Call for Tender - External Actions


13/12/1995 - 13/01/1998



Project / Budget year

UR9402 Energy Sector 1994 / 1994


Taking into account the energy problems in the economy of Ukraine and the expected increases in future demand for energy in the country after the breakdown of the Soviet Union, there was a strong need to transfer western experience in the area of energy management. Demand side energy management was not sufficiently addressed in the training programmes of the relevant professionals working in the energy sector. Improved training for energy management was considered to be an important component in encouraging an energy saving policy in the country.

The European Commission decided to assist in the establishment of a Training Centre for Energy Management as part of the TACIS 1994 Nuclear Safety programme.

To ensure adequate dissemination of the training throughout Ukraine it was decided that regional training centres would be established in the six most industrialised regions of the country. The trainers for these regional training centres would be trained in the Kiev Training Centre within the duration and scope of the present project.


The overall objectives of the project were to:

  • Transfer European experience and skills on energy management training to training institutions, industries, energy supply organisations etc. throughout Ukraine with the intention of improving energy efficiency in all sectors of the economy.
  • Introduce appropriate training programmes covering energy efficient processes and methods as well as market oriented management techniques. Suggest further technology transfer and investment studies for identified promising options and recommend other follow-up activities.

The specific objective of the 18 month project was the establishment of a Training Centre for Energy Management (TCEM) at Kiev Polytechnic Institute (KPI), including:

  • relevant equipment and demo installations;
  • management staff and at least 25 instructors / trainers;
  • a number of relevant training modules implemented;
  • the first year training session for trainees at KPI successfully completed.

The expected activities of the project were as follows:

  • carry out a training needs analysis;
  • plan, design and implement training programmes (training packages) for managerial staff, instructors, trainers, students, and professionals in industries and energy systems etc.;
  • plan and carry out a study tour in EU for 6-8 persons, key staff, instructors and experts involved in the project;
  • plan, design and supervise the renovation of building facilities and installation of equipment at Kiev Polytechnic Institute, Building 22, which also will be a demo building for energy saving technologies;
  • establish the administrative system for the Centre and train the staff;
  • start up the Centre including management assistance i.e. plan and carry out the first training session, promotion of the Centre, plan coming years programmes and activities.


The contract was signed in December 1995 and was implemented until January 1998, being 7 months longer than the original plan due to a contract extension requesting the development and implementation of additional training courses among other items.

A comprehensive Training Needs Analysis Report was issued in August 1996. The future demand for energy managers and target groups for training were defined. Energy manager and instructor skills needed were analysed as a basis for proper selection of instructors and trainers. The structure and general content of proposed courses were developed.

The rehabilitation of building facilities for the Centre, including installation of energy saving measures and equipment, was achieved with excellent quality. The training and demonstration facilities have been reported to correspond to the highest western standards.

Instructors and trainers from KPI and 6 regional training centres were trained as required in the Terms of Reference. In total 27 instructors and trainers from TCEM and regional education institutes were trained through delivery of 3 training modules, on-the-job training and study tours to Denmark and UK.

A comprehensive package of training and instructing materials was produced:

  • Module 1: Core skills;
  • Module 2: Technical courses;
  • Module 3: Industrial specific courses;
  • Training Programme Reports for each module;
  • Evaluation Reports for each module;
  • Report on Study Tour.

The administrative system of the TCEM has been established and the administrative staff properly trained in management, planning, marketing, commercial operation, information data base, financing, and equipment maintenance.

The first high priority training modules and 6 workshops were implemented and first training session completed by 28 trainees in November 1997. The first training session included 15 representatives of the Central and Regional State Inspectorates for Energy Saving.

In support of the sustainability of the project, the Contractor produced the following documents:

  • Quality Assurance Procedures for Training Packages;
  • Guidelines for Development of Training Programmes;
  • Guidelines on Implementation of Training Programmes.

In addition, four new specific courses (District Heating 1 and 2, Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Audit) were prepared and delivered by the TCEM in collaboration with the Contractor during the extension period of the contract.