- Status
- Closed
- Type of activity
Design Safety
- Nature
- Contracting authority
European Commission
- Method of Procurement
(FR2007) Restricted Call for Tender - External Actions
- Duration
22/06/1995 - 22/10/1996
- Contractor
- Project / Budget year
WW9306 Nuclear Safety 1996 / 1993
It was recognised by the International Organisations that there was a generic need for improvement of the quality assurance (QA) practice in the Ukrainian Nuclear Power and Nuclear Industry sector, to make them more in compliance with the international nuclear safety practice.
In particular, the target group for such training and supply contract was identified in the Management and technical personnel of KiEP and Kharkov EP, and of the Ukrainian NPPs.
The objective of this contract was establishing and maintaining a QA programme at Kiev Energoproject (KiEP) and Kharkov EP Institutes that complies with the requirements of the IAEA 50-C-QA code.
Engineering codes for nuclear design & safety analyses were also expected to be transferred to KiEP and Kharkov EP and the relevant personnel trained.
The expected project deliverables were the following:
QA programme for KiEP based on developed QA Engineering.
Manual and QA procedures for KiEP's design activities.
Four Ukrainian experts (+ 2 Interpreters) trained on the job in Western Europe on QA and seven experts (+ 2 Interpreters) on the use of nuclear safety codes.
Training material for the computer codes.
Class-room training material for the training of Managers and experts of KiEP and Kharkov EP.
List of selected nuclear safety codes. Documentation on computer codes.
Report on audit of KIEP's engineering activities.
Computers and office equipment.
Achievements (with reference to the TORs)
The project was organized in the following tasks:
Audit by ENAC of the KiEP engineering activities.
Selection of nuclear safety codes.
Development of QA Manual and Engineering procedures for KiEP activities.
On-the-job (Western Europe) and class-room (Kiev) training on QA.
On-the-job training (Western Europe) on the use of nuclear safety codes.
Purchase and delivery of office and computer equipment to KiEP.
As a follow up of the comprehensive audit carried out by ENAC at the two Beneficiaries on computer and computer tools availability and QA respectively, the following output was delivered:
Thirty four procedures and a Quality Manual were developed by ENAC, translated and commented by EP, revised and finally approved by both EP and ENAC.
The codes selection ended up with a list of 5 codes ranked with first priority and a second list of 5 codes has been proposed with less priority. Training on the codes Riskspectrum (for probabilistic safety assessment) in Erlangen, CATHARE in Paris and RELAP5 (for thermohydraulics) in Erlangen was provided.
Computers and other IT devices were supplied and installed.
Training was provided as planned, both in Kiev and abroad.
(quality of the results, lesson learnt, recommendations for follow-up)
The project met the objectives stated in the TORs and provided invaluable support to all the safety related activities carried out at the Beneficiaries.
Further Information
Further information on the project results could be sought from the beneficiary organizations.
The Project Final report is available at the JRC-IE archive.Beneficiary Organisation: Energoproject & Kharkov EP