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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

Enhancing the capacity and regulatory capabilities of the Chinese National Nuclear Regulatory Authority and its TSO, CH3.01/11

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Asia
€ 1,985,240.00
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2013
Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation


Type of activity

Regulatory Authorities



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2012) (Ext. act) Service - International Restricted Procedure with prior publication (Art. '5.1(a)(i) & 2 RAP)


09/12/2013 - 08/12/2016


The People’s Republic of China



Project / Budget year

INSC 2011 part II - China - three action fiches / 2011


The European Union, together with its Chinese Partners, has successfully implemented a first joint project aimed at enhancing and strengthening the nuclear safety regulatory framework in China in accordance with highest standards and best international practice adopted in the EU. This €2 million project (about CNY 14.8 million) was financed through the European Union's Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation. The project was implemented in cooperation with China's National Nuclear Safety Administration (NNSA) and its Technical Support Organisation, the Nuclear Radiation Safety Centre. The project made possible an extensive knowledge transfer and exchange on methods, know-how and best practices over a period of three years on the following areas:

  • Loss of Coolant accident analysis at PWR plants;
  • Severe accident analysis and independent evaluation;
  • Validation and verification of safety digital instrumentation and control systems at nuclear power plants;
  • Safety culture at nuclear installations;
  • Integrated management system compatible with international standards;
  • Operational experience feedback;
  • Safety assessment of flood hazards.

The project was implemented through a contract with the French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) working in close cooperation with European nuclear regulators (CSN and STUK) and technical support organisations (IRSN, GRS and Bel V). The inception meeting was held in Beijing on February 2014. The work programme, schedule and deliverables for the entire project were agreed, and subsequently monitored through progress meetings held also in Beijing every six months. The project was closed by the presentation of the main results and conclusions in front of a wide audience at the Dissemination Workshop celebrated in October 2016. The project was implemented through a number of activities and deliverables, including:

  • 11 workshops and training sessions held by EU experts in China for more than 300 staff members from NNSA/NSC and other relevant organisations;
  • 8 On-the-job trainings for 8 delegations, where 12 Chinese staff took part in different training activities in France, Germany, Finland, Spain and Belgium. The global duration of these on-the-job trainings was about 128 weeks;
  • 6 In-situ support missions of EU experts in China with a total duration of about 13 months.

The project was carried out according to the original schedule, in general terms. However, the organisation of the on-the-job trainings required unexpected administrative procedures, particularly for trainees staying more than 3 months in Europe. The transparent and close cooperation between Chinese regulatory authorities and European experts was essential to reach the objectives. During the final project meeting, the NNSA highlighted the direct impact of the project on the IAEA Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) follow-up mission to China in 2016. More specifically, the project was instrumental in order to close three recommendations (increased international cooperation, integrated management system based on IAEA standards and enhancement of operating experience feedback) and one suggestion (strengthened internal TSO capabilities) that had been issued during the initial IRSS mission.