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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

Enhancing the capabilities of the Gulf Cooperation Council's Emergency Management Centre in preparedness for and response to a nuclear or radiological emergency

  • Ongoing
Miscellaneous Countries
Benefitting Zone
€ 499,240.00
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2019
Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation II




Method of Procurement

(FR2018) Restricted procedure – As provided for in FR 164(1)(b) – Services/supplies as from EUR 300 000 – Works as from EUR 5 000 000 – publicatio


01/10/2019 - 31/03/2023



Project / Budget year
  • Support measures 2020 for the INSC management / 2020
  • Promotion of nuclear safety culture Component D / 2018


The aim of the project is to provide the GCC EMC located in the State of Kuwait with operational, ‘state of the art’, tools to support it in making arrangements for, and managing (in a more timely, reliable and coherent manner), any future radiological or nuclear emergency that may affect the GCC region (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates).
This will be achieved by the installation of the JRODOS decision support system in the GCC EMC, its customisation to the GCC region, linking it in real time to radiation monitoring networks in GCC Member States and to meteorological data, and bringing the system into full operational use. The project will comprise three main elements: firstly, ‘proof of concept’ will be demonstrated by customisation of JRODOS for, and linking it to monitoring networks in, one GCC Member State (namely, the State of Kuwait); secondly, following demonstration of the ‘proof of concept’, the system will be customised for the whole of the GCC region and linked in real time to monitoring networks in each of its MS via the GCC-RDEP; and, thirdly, a comprehensive and sustainable training programme will be developed in order to maintain a high level of competence and ‘readiness’ in the use of JRODOS to support decision making in the GCC region following any future radiological or nuclear emergency.