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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

English Language Training for Officials

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe
€ 16,242.07
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1996
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity




Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Direct Agreement & AV DA


10/07/1996 - 10/10/1996



Project / Budget year

WW9406 Nuclear Safety 1994 / 1994


The project aimed to establish English Language training for officials.

A proposed teaching plan was established in the Terms of Reference of the contract:

1) Module I consisting of 4 weeks in Ukraine, divided as:

Week 1 -

  • Language Needs Analysis;
  • Delegate Assessment and Interviews;
  • Course Preparation and Planning;
  • Ukrainian Teachers Seminar (A short 3-day seminar was proposed to familiarise the Ukrainian teachers with the latest TEFL techniques and materials and to discuss language-learning issues and problems. Such seminars were very well received by CIS teaching staff, and recognised to be of great benefit for the 6 month period when the Ukrainian teachers would be conducting the program).

Weeks 2, 3, 4 -

  1. General English -essential communication skills
  2. Technical English -basic technical English
    • language of nuclear engineering
  3. Specific English -language of meetings
    • international conferences
  4. Self-access English -familiarisation with materials and techniques of self study programme (A set of carefully designed and relevant self-access materials (Books, worksheets, audio tapes) were provided to enable the delegates to continue their studies after the first module was completed. This provided both motivation and method for the delegates to make progress with their English, both by themselves and under the guidance of their Ukrainian teachers).

2) Module II consisting of 6 months in Ukraine, divided as:

  1. Part-time instruction from Ukraine teachers
  2. Programme of self-study and self-access learning

3) Module III consisting of 3 weeks in Ukraine and UK, divided as:

Weeks 1, 2, 3 -

  1. English course continuation
    • General language
    • Language of nuclear engineering
  2. Administrative and Managerial English.
  3. In UK. Programme of visits to suitable sites and of lectures/seminars.

The Module III took the form of a three weeks' training at Bailbrook College in the UK. The training had to include the following elements:

  1. Assessment of language capability achieved so far by each of the five officials during the course of Module I&II.
  2. Continuation of English Language Training:
    • General language skills;
    • Language of Nuclear Engineering;
    • Administrative and managerial English.
  3. Programme of visits to British nuclear facilities and other relevant sites, and of specific lectures/seminars.
  4. Final assessment of language capability achieved and agreed personal programmes for continuing self-study using the materials provided for Modules I and II. It was recommended that these materials be ultimately located within the offices of Goskomatom, where they would be available for the use of the delegates and their colleagues.

The training was to be provided to the five officials of Goskomatom who had been delegates in Modules I and II.

Module III was implemented straight after Module II.


The project was completed according to the Terms of Reference.