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Nuclear Safety Cooperation


  • Closed
TACIS Region
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe and Central Asia
€ 298,846.09
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1993
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Emergency Preparedness



Method of Procurement

Direct Agreement & AV DA


20/06/1993 - 20/11/1993


Ministry of Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety (Ukraine)



Project / Budget year

WW9103 Energy / 1991


The accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine in April 1986 demonstrated the need for adequate radiation early warning systems that allow authorities to take appropriate and timely actions in the event of a major radiological accident.

In 1991 the National Governments of Belarus and Ukraine independently approached the European Commission seeking assistance in establishing new radiological early warning systems in these countries. The European Commission launched the Gamma-1 project under the TACIS Programme, which was implemented in three phases.

Phase 1 was the Feasibility Study, which was contracted to PA Consulting Group in October 1992 (contract 21725). The aim was to assess the feasibility of establishing the new early warning systems, reviewing technical functionality and organizational operation.

The Feasibility Study recommended the establishment of an extensive radiological early warning network known as the ‘Gamma-Curtain’ initially installed in Belarus and Ukraine but eventually being extended to other countries, spanning the Baltic to the Black Sea. The Gamma-Curtain vision would provide for radiological detection at Nuclear Power Plants, Population Centres and throughout broader National Networks. The system would provide for detection at priority NPPs in Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania and Russia and afford EU countries with early warning in the event of a major accident.

Phase 2 of the Gamma-1 project was the Technical Design Study for a Pilot Radiation Early Warning System for implementation within the republics of Belarus and Ukraine. The system comprised early warning systems around Rivne, Zaporizhya and Ignalina Power Stations (see Figure 1 in attached document) including Regional and Local Response Centres and full National Response Centres in Kiev and Minsk, as shown in Figure 2. The objectives were to prepare the detailed design of the system along with the Technical Specifications for procurement of the required equipment.

The Technical Design Study was implemented through two contracts, one with the main consultant, which was again PA Consulting Group (contract 22111), and the other with the Radiation Protection Institute of Ireland (RPII – contract 22126), which was contracted to provide an expert to PA Consulting to assist in the design of the pilot system.

Phase 3 of the project was the supply and on-site installation of the pilot system. This phase was implemented through three contracts. The first two contracts were placed again with PA Consulting Group (contract 22613) along with the same expert of the RPII (contract 22732), who together formed a Project and Technical Management Unit for the project implementation. The third contract was with SEMA Group (later Atos Origin – contract 22579) who acted as procurement agent for the European Commission, applying the EC procedures and performing contract negotiations, contracting and contract management. SEMA placed the contract for the equipment supply with Hörmann Systemtechnik.

The system provides for high density Gamma-dose rate monitoring systems around NPPs.
The Gamma-1 Network for Rivne power station (see Figure 1), comprises gamma-dose rate monitoring stations (27 around Rivne NPP, 11 around Zaporozhe NPP and 9 around Ignalina NPP), within1-30 km of the Power Plant. In addition, α/β Aerosol systems are provided for local population centres to afford especially sensitive, fast response detection. Gamma water sensors are employed for detection of waterborne releases. In addition the Gamma-1 system provides for 4 Mobile Response Vehicles, (MRVs) each able to deploy Sentinel Gamma-dose rate stations. These vehicles provide for tracking radiation plumes and as a basis for routine maintenance and background monitoring work. The MRVs will be deployed at NPPs and around National Centres. The networks at the NPPs are connected by radio link to Regional and Local Response Centres which communicate with National Centres in Kiev and Minsk.

The managers of the systems in each country were Glavhydromet the Committee for Hydrometrology (MINEERCOM) in Belarus and Ministry of Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety (MEPNS) in Ukraine.


The aim of this project (contract 22111) was to perform the Technical Design Study for a Pilot Radiation Early Warning System for implementation within the republics of Belarus and Ukraine (see above).
The objective of the study was to prepare the technical specifications that would serve as a basis for establishment of the pilot early warning system in Ukraine and Belarus.

The following requirements were specified:

  • The design had to specify a pilot system for both Republics (Ukraine and Belarus).
  • The two systems should be able to communicate with each other.
  • They should be compatible with the real time systems used in Russia
  • Both systems should be able to communicate in real time with Western Europe


The work started in June 1993 and was successfully completed in November 1993. The recommendations from the feasibility study are described above in the section ‘Background’. The Tender Dossier and technical Specifications required for tendering for the equipment procurement and installation were prepared as part of the project.