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Nuclear Safety Cooperation


  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe / North Asia
€ 1,945,061.57
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1995
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Design Safety



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Restricted Call for Tender - External Actions


11/04/1995 - 11/01/1998





Project / Budget year


  • WW9901 Intérêts de retard 1999 / 1999
  • WW9306 Nuclear Safety 1996 / 1993



The TACIS 91 project 4.2 resulted in the development of a mock-up for a safety panel to be eventually installed in the control room of Kalinin. It was considered necessary to continue the project with the supply of pilot equipment and the performing of a validation test of the real safety panel using the new Kalinin simulator, to train the operation staff in using correctly the safety panel during emergencies and then to install it definitively into the real control room.
In addition, in order to come back to the original request of the Russian counterpart, a feasibility study had to be performed in order to link the safety panel to a centralized crisis center in Moscow. Overall objective was to contribute in the establishment of means to improve VVER 1000 plant operation, achieve plant surveillance and provide accurate information for support during emergency conditions.The purpose of the safety panel was to assist control room personnel by providing continuous indication of plant parameters or calculated variables related to safety under normal, transient and accident conditions.
The expected work was:

  1. Functional design including:
    • data acquisition and processing;
    • data validation;
    • SPP displays;
    • data recording;
    • on-demand analysis functions;
    • automatically issued functions;
    • interface with other computers;
    • future expansion;
  2. Computer CPU and peripherals, interconnected through a communication network:
    • a high speed data acquisition system, 450 analogue and 700 digital inputs +10%;
    • graphic workstations and peripherals;
  3. Graphic terminals, CRTs, keyboards and consoles (if required);
  4. Basic layered software (operating system, data base manager, graphic software etc.);
  5. Source code of the application software;
  6. Design documentation;
  7. Review, approval and supply of all Counterpart documents;
  8. Verification, validation and testing:
    • software development (design and coding);
    • accident test scenarios on the plant simulator, connected to SPP;
    • factory acceptance tests;
    • site acceptance tests with 5% signals connected;
  9. Software quality assurance;
  10. Technical management of system installation and start-up;
  11. Training.


The project has delivered a safety panel prototype and validated the system for VVER 1000 in accordance with the objectives. The required data set was validated within the system. Also a proven link to the Kalinin-2 was arranged. As specified in the TOR, the objective was to contribute in the establishment of means to improve VVER 1000 plant operation, achieve plant surveillance and provide accurate information for support during emergency conditions. Specifically the project was dedicated to delivering and validating a SPP, linked to a process simulator provided by the counterpart. The link to 5% of inputs from Kalinin-2 was also to be proven. These important objectives in particular can be considered as achieved.