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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

Development and Implementation of an International Project Management Data Base

  • Closed
TACIS Region
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe and Central Asia
€ 47,510.73
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2003
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States




Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Open Call for Proposals


31/12/2001 - 30/06/2002



Project / Budget year

WW9920 Tacis 1999 Nuclear Safety / 1999


The TACIS projects in the frame of the “Transfer of Western European Regulatory Methodology and Practices to the Nuclear Safety Authorities of the Russian Federation“, 1994-1999, have provided Gosatomnadzor of Russia with Western European regulatory methodology and practices. Different approaches and experiences have been presented and were discussed with experts of Gosatomnadzor of Russia and its Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SEC-NRS). A good understanding of practices and needs has been developed. Considerable progress has been made in establishing the legal and procedural basis for an independent, competent and efficient regulatory body and for the implementation of license based regulatory practices in Russia.
On this basis the European Commission (EC) initiated the following project:
"Transfer of Western European Regulatory Methodology and Practices to the Safety Authorities of the Russian Federation, 2001-2002“.
The main objective of this project was to consolidate the achievements and deepen cooperation for further practical and procedural improvements with respect to the assurance of nuclear safety in the Russian Federation taking into account new developments at and needs of Gosatomnadzor of Russia.
Within this frame the BISTRO project “Development and Implementation of an International Projects Management Data Base” was initiated. The project consisted of the creation and initial operation of a specific computer Data Base which should become the tool for overall projects management, primarily in frame of Gosatomnadzor of Russia’s co-operation with Western Regulatory Authorities and Russian/Western technical safety organisations (TSOs). Especially wide cooperation was carried out in recent years with the countries of European Union, in particular within the framework of the program TACIS.
The necessity of developing a specific Data Base to increase quality and efficiency of project management was an idea, which came up as a consequence from previous TACIS projects, where Gosatomnadzor of Russia has been in intensive working relations with Western Regulatory Authorities. During this time, and specifically from the TACIS project RF/RA/04 (Contract No 01.0046) “Transfer of Western European Regulatory Methodology and Practices to the Nuclear Safety Authorities of the Russian Federation”, Task 7 – Transfer of Up-To-Date Project Management Techniques, Gosatomnadzor of Russia became aware that some Western authorities /organisations had also similar tools, possible to be transferred to Gosatomnadzor.


The present project had the objectives:
Wider Objective: This project was supportive to the objective within the project RF/RA/04 to enhance the nuclear safety in the Russian Federation by promoting the effective work of the national nuclear safety regulatory authority.
Specific Objective: Based on gathered experience in dealing with Western partners Gosatomnadzor of Russia clearly understood the necessity of the project and of the following main tasks in particular:

Development of the scope and structure for the Data Base
Procurement of the hardware and software tools for the Data Base development and operation
Development of the Data Base
Installation and commissioning of the Data Base


The project was performed according to the relevant ‘TERMS OF REFERENCE’ annexed to the Service Contract. The activities to be performed were defined and scheduled according to them.
A working group consisting of experts from GRS, HSE/NII and Gosatomnadzor of Russia / SEC NRS was formed. The Russian project members developed the data base based on experiences of the participating Western countries. Required hardware was procured. Personnel of Gosatomnadzor of Russia were trained. GRS and HSE/NII examined the pilot version and the trained staff.
By the end of the project it was intended to have:
- an operable data base,
- trained personnel for its maintenance and usage,
- and appropriate documentation.
These would take into account the requirements drawn up in the “Terms of Reference for Data Base Development for Management of International Projects in Gosatomnadzor of Russia”.
The specifications of these Terms of Reference for the data base were amended and changed during a test phase, where test users formulated actual needs for a data base for international projects.
During the second and also Final Meeting of this project, the Russian side gave an overview about the activities done since the Inception Meeting.
The persons involved in developing the data base, which was based on Microsoft Access 97 (in compliance to the software standard at Gosatomnadzor of Russia), explained how and why they changed the requirements of the data base, determined in the “Terms of Reference for the Development of the Data Base”. This was mainly a result of a test phase performed with future users of this data base.
Bugs detected during this phase were eliminated. The general structure of the Data Base also was slightly modified.
The Russian experts explained that the Data Base now consisted of two parts, an administrative part and a financial part, which were programmed separately and then combined. The Russian side gave both a theoretical and practical demonstration of the data base.
The data base has been installed on Gosatomnadzor of Russia’s local network.
Concerning handling and use of the data base, it was pointed out, that a strong hierarchy of access (author status (managers) / reader status (users)) to both parts of the data base has to be assured. The Interregional Department of Gosatomnadzor of Russia appointed the technical administrator for the data base. The necessary maintenance of information in the data base will lie in the responsibility of the International Relation Department of Gosatomnadzor of Russia. In case the data base structure will have to be modified, SEC NRS will provide the necessary support.
Concerning the documentation, help files for the Data Base have already been implemented at the respective stages. The preparation of other further necessary documentation will be the responsibility of Gosatomnadzor of Russia based on user’s experience. The online help was presented to the Consortium members of this project.
The Western side provided information about the procurement procedures and the procured equipment was checked. A representative of the EC Delegation Moscow, who also attended the Final Meeting, pointed out that the budget for the hardware to support the database, was of good value.
Gosatomnadzor of Russia personnel was trained in maintaining and using the data base. On the basis of a running TACIS project, the Western side examined the ability of selected users. They were convinced that the examined staff was trained well and is able to handle the data base professionally. Certificates were handed over to the examined staff members.
All necessary documents for the project file were exchanged.
The meeting was informed and discussed about the use of the translation budget. The translations to be done within this project were made available at the end of the project.