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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

Development and Implementation of an automated Operator Information display system based on Algorithms of Symptom-Orientend emergency operating procedures

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe
€ 841,632.45
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2012
Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation


Type of activity

Support to NPP operators



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Restricted Call for Tender - External Actions


14/01/2013 - 13/06/2016



Project / Budget year

Nuclear Safety Operations - Action Programme 2009 - Ukraine / 2009


Following the international experience and practices, the Ukrainian nuclear power plant operator NNEGC Energoatom has paid close attention to development of NPP personnel training and overall performance enhancement. As a part of the personnel performance enhancement, symptom-based emergency operating procedures (EOP) have been introduced at all Ukrainian nuclear power plants.

An EOP contains a series of actions to be taken by the MCR operator in case of specific events or plant conditions based on the actual event progression. Taking into account the stressful nature of the work in an emergency situation, NNEGC in cooperation with European Commission have proposed a project on implementation of an automated operator support system. It should guide the operator step by step through an EOP recommending him actions based on on-line plant parameter values received from a NPP Unit Information System (UIS).

The Khmelnitsky NPP (KhNPP) had implemented formal EOP training programme for main control room (MCR) operators as well as other information support systems at the MCR, like an Operator Information Support System based on Alarm Sheets or the Safety Parameter Display System, which had been integrated into the standard UIS. Also, data exchange between the Full Scope Simulator (FSS) Information System and the main FSS modelling computer had been organized in the same way as between the standard UIS and plant systems at KhNPP 1, which would facilitate implementation of a FSS system at the MCR.

Due to the above mentioned achievements and developments at the KhNPP Unit 1, it was selected as the pilot plant for this project.


The U1.05/09T3 project was supposed to support development and installation of an EOP-based Operator Information Display System (OIDS EOP) at the pilot NPP in Ukraine. The OIDS EOP should monitor real-time plant conditions and suggest to the MCR operator appropriate actions according to relevant emergency operating procedures and actual plant conditions. The OIDS EOP was supposed to be first installed and validated at the pilot plant’s FSS. After that, the OIDS had to be installed for a trial operation also at the MCR of the pilot NPP. Within the project implementation, the pilot and non-pilot plant personnel should be trained in the OIDS EOP system use and further development. Trainers for follow-up training in OIDS EOP should be also prepared. In the project, the Consultant was supposed develop the OIDS based on EOP existing at the pilot plant, and install the system at the pilot plant’s FSS. The Beneficiary/End User was responsible for procurement of necessary hardware equipment, provision of all necessary plant information, documentation, facilities and qualified personnel for active participation in the project implementation. Putting the OIDS EOP into regular operation at the pilot plant MCR including necessary regulatory approval was a Beneficiary’s responsibility out of scope of the project.


According to the Contract Terms of Reference, the project consisted from three main technical tasks that were further divided into subtasks as follows:

  • Task 2: Development of the Operator Information and Support System • Subtask 2.1 - Development of OIDS EOP design specifications • Subtask 2.2 – Development of OIDS EOP software application • Subtask 2.3 – Comprehensive personnel training
    • Task 3: Implementation of the OIDS EOP at the Full-Scope Simulator • Subtask 3.1 – Preparation of OIDS EOP system integration testing programme • Subtask 3.2 – Installation and testing of the OIDS EOP at the FSS • Subtask 3.3 – Acceptance of the OIDS EOP in regular operation at the FSS
    • Task 4: Installation and preliminary testing of the OIDS EOP at the pilot plant's MCR • Subtask 4.1 – Preparation of OIDS EOP System Integration Testing at MCR • Subtask 4.2 – Installation and testing of the OIDS EOP at the pilot plant’s MCR

As a result of the project, the Consultant developed the OIDS EOP software (SW) application using the Westinghouse-based COMPRO (Computerized Procedures) platform. As a basis of interface displays, the OIDS EOP application has implemented the written EOPs being in use at the KhNPP. Prompts on the display guide operators through the EOPs while providing parallel information about relevant plant parameters. The application also allows continuous monitoring of Critical Safety Functions and helps operators performing repeated routine checks when responding to an emergency situation. The OIDS EOP software application has been installed on a dedicated server in the KhNPP FSS room and connected to the FSS Information System computer. The OIDS EOP software was then validated and comprehensively tested using a set of scenarios covering all implemented EOPs. Within the OIDS EOP software installation and testing, the pilot plant personnel were trained in use and development of the application. Following the comprehensive testing and a trial operation at the FSS, the End User (KhNPP) took over the OIDS EOP in operation at the FSS for routine MCR operator training.

For the Task 4, the Consultant provided information for the End User to use in application for regulatory decision on implementation of the OIDS EOP at the pilot plant’s MCR.