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Nuclear Safety Cooperation


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Benefitting Zone
€ 1,016,334.46
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1995
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity




Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Restricted Call for Tender - External Actions


02/06/1995 - 02/01/1997



Project / Budget year

WW9306 Nuclear Safety 1996 / 1993


The TACIS 93 programme for nuclear safety agreed upon between the European Commission and the Ukraine contains provisions for a project related to the creation of a Regional Training Centre for maintenance people of all the Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plants. The Beneficiaries of the project were maintenance personnel (Mechanical -Electrical and Instrumentation + Control) of all the concerned nuclear power plants (NPPs) in Ukraine. For this project GOSKOMATOM was defined the Beneficiary. The Counterpart was the organisation which worked with the Contractors team. The sub-contractors were Ukrainian organisations which are performing work for the Contractor.
The TOR describes the analysis of the needs which was performed for the creation of a maintenance training centre. It provided the guidance on training development. The TOR was based on international requirements and practices. The maintenance training methodology was in line with the general training concept developed for Ukraine in the frame of project U 2.02 /93A.


The objective of this project was to participate in the creation of the regional training centre in Ukraine with the aim to achieve:
- Improvement of maintenance in scope and quality
- Reduction of personnel exposure to radiation
- Minimisation of accidents
- Minimisation of equipment outage time


Relevant project activities and goals achieved were the following:
The project kick-off meeting was held in Kiev on June 5th, 1995. The beneficiary agreed in the project objective and organization.
The next task 1.3: "Problems identification and training needs", started in July 17th, 1995. A stay at Zaporozhe NPP Training Centre in Energodar, Ukraine, from July 24th to 28th was scheduled to perform the activity with the Local experts. It was the first contact with them. One week of a joint work of three Western experts and the 10 Local experts was performed and a good preliminary result was obtained. A general discussion was held in Kiev, on September 18th, 1995 with some representatives of the Ukrainian NPPs in the area of training of maintenance personnel. Zaporozhe NPP, South-Ukraine NPP and Khmelnistky NPP personnel were present. Additionally, EDF - SIEMENS and TECNATOM representatives were represented in the steering committee. The goal of this meeting was to analyse the problem list identified in task 1.3 and determine the change or the continuation of the project as it was designed. The conclusion was to continue as it was.
In October, task 2.1 "Elaboration of interface document" started after a preparation period in the West. A stay at Zaporozhe NPP Training Centre in Energodar, Ukraine, from October 9th to 13th was scheduled to perform the activity with the Local experts. One week of a joint effort of three Western experts and the 10 Local experts was performed and a good preliminary result was obtained.
In November, task 2.2 "Design of RTCM organization" started after a preparation period in the West. A stay at Zaporozhe NPP Training Centre, from November 6th to 10th was scheduled to perform the activity with the Local experts. One week of a joint effort with three Western experts and the 10 Local experts was performed and a good preliminary result was obtained.

During November, the visit of the 10 Local experts to Europe was also scheduled, namely to Spain, France and Germany in order to see and analyse the methods, organization and environment existing in the field of the training of maintenance personnel in these three European countries. The stay was fruitful, not only in the technical aspect but in the Human relations as well.

Finally, the second steering committee was held in Kiev on December, 14th to spread the result of the interface document and the organization of the RTCM to the Ukrainian NPPs Training Centre Managers. The conclusion was the following: although both documents are useful some additional working meetings with others organizations involved in the process of training should be held in the future to have the opportunity to make comments on the documents content.

In January 96, three tasks started almost in parallel but without interface.

Task 1 has been the development of the RTCM organizational procedures in which a stay and a team work at Zaporozhe NPP Training Centre (Z NPP TC) from January 15th until 27th was performed.

Task 2 was the preparation of activities from the western side of task 4 "Maintenance Procedures" and task 5 "Preventive Maintenance Programme" with a meeting in Germany for the seminar preparation and exchange of results.

Task 3 was the commencement, January 29th, of the training activity of the Local experts on the SAT methodology. This training activity was delivered in Kiev and the lecturers were the same instructors than the National Training System project.

After this training, finished in February 19th, the application of the SAT method to different jobs in the three disciplines of the maintenance personnel started with a coordination meeting and a SAT training in
France for the task preparation.
And finally, the task 3 related with "the training facilities" started in February 26th instead of April, as it was foreseen in the project planning, because of the request of the Task Manager of the TACIS Bureau from
Brussels. A report was prepared and sent to the CEC DGI and TPEG.

Task 4 "Maintenance procedures" and 5 "Preventive maintenance programme" were completed. Some procedures were developed to validate the process and to ensure the Know how transfer.

The development of training material task for the above analysed jobs started after a co-ordination meeting in France at GURCY LE CHATEL where the EDF experts who performed the JTA and the team leader, from SIEMENS, of the training material development task had an information exchange of the JTA results. This meeting was led by the project manager and a suitable transfer from one team to the next one was performed. This co-ordination meeting was held during the week of April 15th.

The development of some additional guides and procedures, foreseen to start in April, to help the creation and organization of the RTCM at Zaporozhe NPP was postponed till June due to an overload of the Local experts (the JTA, procedures development and training material preparation). These documents are the definition of requirements to be able to become a maintenance manager, the definition of trainees assessment and certification and finally the definition of training methods in different environments. All these activities was completed at the end of June 96.

The training facilities identification and associated Technical Specification, task 7, needed at the RTCM for their future activities was performed. The training facilities unveil started earlier than it was expected as it has been explained in the progress report n 2. In the last period it was concluded the technical specification and defined the potential suppliers for these facilities.
Finally the project was finished with the Instructional Techniques course which spread to the all Training Centres instructors and some relevant plant personnel Staff the result of the project in terms of Organization manual and procedures, the maintenance procedures and preventive programmes chart and methods to train plant personnel and the transfer of good practices and techniques for teaching to adults. During the week of September 30th, a steering committee was held in Zaporozhe with the representatives of NPP, namely the Training Centre managers of Ukrainian NPP to comment the result and lesson learnt in the project and conclude it.