- Status
- Closed
At the planning meeting, the parties identified the need to provide education, training and certification for personnel of Nuclear Power Plants and Nuclear Power Industry based on internationally accepted requirements and training methods.
In particular the parties identified the need to adopt a development plan for the defined national system for the training of the Ukrainian NPPs personnel.
Therefore a specific TACIS project was defined to carry out an analysis of the current and future training needs in the Ukraine (with a ten year outlook) and including the following tasks:
- Technical visit of six Ukrainian experts to Western European countries
- Evaluation of the training systems in Western European countries in order to define the future training system for the Ukraine
- Analysis of different alternatives for an overall training concept for the Ukraine
- Selection of the standard training methodology based on the SAT methodology and the development of procedures for the implementation of SAT
- Training of instructors to use SAT methodology
- Training of instructors in instructional techniques
- Application of the SAT to selected job positions
- The development of the sample training material
- Training of plant managers in specific managerial aspects
- Delivery of small office and computer equipment
- Training of personnel in the use of editing tools
The target groups were identified as in the following:
- Staff in charge at Goskomatom
- Staff of the Ukrainian NPPs' training centers
- NPPs' managers and personnel.
The project objective was the definition of an Ukrainian Training System for NPP personnel and the development of an action plan aimed at setting up this system.
The planned project output was the following:
- A report including an analysis of the current situation of training in the Ukraine and an outlook for the next ten years
- The definition of the future national training system, including:
- a concept of the overall training system
- organization manuals for an overall training structure
- a detailed action plan
- A report with an analysis of different SAT
- The specific SAT procedures for the selected Ukrainian training methodology
- The SAT method applied to the defined job positions
- The six Ukrainian experts acquainted with training systems in the EU countries
- 30 Ukrainian instructors trained in SAT methodology
- 30 Ukrainian instructors trained in the instructional techniques
- The plant managers trained in managerial aspects
- A training course with a description of an NPP system
- Delivery of small office and computer equipment
- Ukrainian personnel trained in the use of editing tools.
The main goal of this project, was the definition of the structure of the Ukrainian Training System for NPP personnel and the development of an Action Plan aimed at setting up this Training System.
This goal was achieved successfully: at the end of the project, there was a real consensus between each entity of the Training System (Goskomatom, all the NPPs, the Regulatory Body, and other organizations such as the Engineering and Technical Centre, Sevastopol Institute, etc.) on the structure of the Training System and on the concrete process of setting up this Training System.
The project was conducted through some tasks, which are described in more detail in the following.
Development of the Training System Module
This module included two main tasks:
- Analysis of the current situation
- Definition of the future training system
The analysis of the available experience in other Countries took place from September 1995 to December 1995. Local experts collected information at their workplace. Ukrainian training managers visited Western European countries (Germany, Spain, France) and collected the same type of information on the three different western training systems. A comparison with the recommendations of the IAEA was also carried out. The result of the analysis was presented, and agreed upon, in a Steering Committee held on the 15th of December 1995.
The definition of the future training system started by an analysis carried out with the Beneficiary on his needs. It appeared that the organization manual and the Action Plan, which are the contractual deliverables, should be included in a Training Concept giving both a general and a detailed description of the NPP personnel training system. They should include: analysis of the current situation, main principles and directions for the creation and development of a personnel training system, arguments for the creation of a national training system and description of its organization (functions, conditions of execution, responsibilities) and structure, regulations for training (licensing, etc.).
The working method was a succession of drafts and reviews by each participant in the project (Contractor's experts at each time, Goskomatom, NPPs, discussion with the Regulatory Body, representatives of each company of the Consortium Contractor).
The goal of this step-by-step approach was to ensure that a real consensus of each entity was achieved. The final version of the overall document, the Training Concept, including all the deliverables of this module, was ready as scheduled in July 1996, in Russian language.
Development of the Training Methodology Module
Regarding the SAT method, the situation in the middle of 1995 was as follows. Each company of the Consortium had some experience of implementing SAT process in its own country or in the former USSR (Russia, Ukraine). It was decided, within the Contractor Consortium, to propose to Ukrainian experts several realistic SAT possibilities, instead of promoting the approach of one company.
The first task was to share the experience of TECNATOM, SIEMENS and EDF, in order to objectively give the advantages and drawbacks of each approach to the Ukrainian experts. This meeting was held in Madrid in September 1995.
The next task was the development of the SAT procedures for Ukraine. It appeared that the Ukrainian Managers were not ready to make a decision on which methods to apply (task analysis, job competencies analysis, etc.) and that it was necessary to wait for some results of the Training System module for the procedures dealing with organization.
Consequently, it was decided to develop only a draft to be reviewed later.
The training on SAT method for 30 instructors took place in Kiev in February 96. The course outline was the following:
- Presentation of SAT methodology (based on Tec-Doc 525 new draft version)
- Overview of SAT process
- Clarification of SAT definition and important terms
- Detailed explanation of each SAT phase
- Presentation of specific Ukrainian SAT procedures
- Reading and explanation of Analysis and Design phases of the SAT procedures
- Presentation of practical examples showing how to apply each step of the process for the above procedures
- Review of the above procedures
- Presentation of Novovoronezh T.C. SAT data base (Tacis 91 project 1.8)
- Tasks and KSA's for Shift Supervisor, reactor Operator and Turbine Operator
- Training program for the above Job positions
Regarding the results which were obtained, the Contractor considered that the transfer of know-how on the analysis phase and the design face of SAT process was successful.
The next task (training on instructional techniques for 30 instructors) consisted in continuing the transfer of know-how for the following phases of SAT process: development, Implementation and evaluation.
These courses were delivered in Kiev in May and June 1996. A fourth week was added to the three weeks of this project, as part of Sevastopol Institute project (see TACIS U2.02B/03). The content of the courses was the following:
- Lesson n 1 Presentation
- Lesson n 2 SAT principles
- Lesson n 3 Pedagogical objectives
- Lesson n 4 Communication in pedagogy
- Lesson n 5 three main pedagogical behaviors
- Lesson n 6 videotaped role plays
- Lesson n 7 pedagogical materials
- Lesson n 8 evaluation (SAT phase)
- Lesson n 9 evaluation of the week
A practical application of these theoretical courses was the task support for a description course of a plant system. The objective of this task for the Ukrainian Training System was to get useful training materials, thus a large amount of man-days was dedicated to this task, which lasted from June to September 1996.
The task Training of personnel for editing tools took place in July. The goal of this task was to train instructors in the use of editing tools (software), which are aimed at developing the training materials.
Delivery of the Courses for Managers Module
Training courses were delivered for middle and top managers of each Ukrainian NPP and for Goskomatom. The following topics were presented and discussed during the training courses:
- Communication, teamwork, motivation, leadership
- Planning and control, organization, costs and costs control
- Safety culture, quality assurance and SAT generalities
The training courses were carried out as per the following schedule:
- NPP Zaporozhe 18.03.96 to 22.03.96
- INPP South-Ukraine 25.03.96 to 29.03.96
- NPP Khmelnitsky 16.04.96 to 19.04.96
- NPP Rovno 22.04.96 to 27.04.96
- GOSKOMATOM 13.05.96 to 17.05.96
- NPP Chemobyl 20.05.96 to 24.05.96
The participants were deputy general directors, chief engineers, deputy chief engineers, department managers, deputy department managers and shift leaders. The average number of participants was between 5 in Kiev (NPP Chemobyl) and 66 in NPP Zaporozhe.
(Quality of the results, Lesson learned, Recommendations for follow-up)
The project met the objectives stated in the TORs and provided invaluable support to the safe plant operation in Ukraine.
The main lesson learned was a confirmation of the approach followed by the Contractor, which consisted in trying to obtain a maximum involvement of local experts (through the working method) and Ukrainian managers (through the Steering Committee, aimed at creating a coordination place in order to reach a broad consensus on the results).
Another good practice developed with this project is the management through a Steering Committee. It was held at each important step of the project (in total, five). The role of the Steering Committee was to review and endorse the conclusions of each important task and to agree on the working method for the continuation of the project.
Further Information
Further information on the project results could be sought from the beneficiary organizations.
The Project Final report is available at the JRC-IE archive.