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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

Cooperation with SNRIU in regulatory activities : RanidSONN

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe
€ 317,734.69
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2012
Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation


Type of activity

Regulatory Authorities



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Negotiated Procedure - External Actions


13/06/2012 - 12/06/2014


Government of Ukraine



Project / Budget year

INSC part II - Ukraine 1 project / 2011


Ukraine is striving to reach the same nuclear safety and security level as in the European Union and to receive recognition for this nuclear safety level. Ukraine has an independent regulator the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU), which is supported by local TSOs. SNRIU has a capacity to deal with all normal nuclear and radiation safety issues. However, cooperation in specialized fields to enhance the capacity of the Ukrainian regulator is still envisaged.

In June 2012 the European Commission (Development and Co-operation General Directorate - EuropeAid) initiated together with the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine, the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) and the Ukrainian State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SSTC-NRS) a project to strengthen the SNRIU capabilities in regulatory activities related to independent radiation monitoring using a mobile laboratory delivered in 2010 to Ukraine by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), STUK and the Finnish company Environics Oy.


The overall objective of the project was to improve the regulatory assessment capabilities of the Ukrainian nuclear safety authority (SNRIU) by transferring relevant practices of nuclear safety and security regulation in EU countries. The more specific objective was to strengthen capabilities of the SNRIU and its Technical Support Organisation (TSO), the State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SSTC-NRS), in regulatory activities related to independent radiation monitoring using a mobile laboratory RanidSONNI.


The main results of the different tasks are given below.

Task 1: The objective was the transfer of EU experience to Ukraine related to the identification of orphan radiation sources and the detection of hot spots in (and around areas of) facilities used for large public gatherings or Major Public Events (MPE) such as the UEFA 2012 event in Kyiv. Most of the planned activities were performed as planned. The national strategy for securing Major Public Events from a radiation and nuclear security point of view (implementation of the international guidance) is expected to be approved by the Ukrainian authorities by the end of 2015.

Task 2: The objective was the transfer of EU experience to Ukraine related to the inspection of medical facilities and to detect abnormal radiation sources and the detection of hot spots in and around medical facilities. Two medical facilities (hospitals) in Kyiv were inspected “Clinical Hospital Feofania” and “Kyiv Regional Cancer Center”. The project has strengthened the capability of the national authorities to inspect and observe the use of radioactive substances in medical facilities. As a result of the project a national guidance for medical site inspection was adopted to national legislation. A regulatory document is available at (only in Ukrainian).

Task 3: The objective was the transfer of EU experience and expertise related to radiological surveying and detection of hot spots in (and around) facilities used for uranium mineral mining and milling. A radiation survey of the territories of Novokonstantinovskaya mine and premises using mobile radiological laboratory RanidSONNI was performed by SSTC in order to establish a baseline. During the survey, stationary monitoring points were selected and soil, water and vegetation samples were collected. The baseline study covers the industrial site and all of the populated settlements located in the vicinity of the industrial area. This task/survey generated a wealth of valuable data suitable for publication in journals.

Due to the deteriorating security situation in Ukraine and Kyiv the final meeting planned to be held in Kyiv in April 2014 had to be relocated to Brussels. Consequently the dissemination seminar was cancelled. In order to disseminate the results of the project a press release was issued in Kyiv. The results of the project have also been presented at EUROSAFE 2012 and 2013 conferences.