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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

Continuation of the on-site assistance and the preparation of the tendering stage for the PIP U1.03/01 B1, U1.03/01 B2, U1.03/01 B3 for Zaporozhye NPP, Ukraine

  • Closed
TACIS Region
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe and Central Asia
€ 180,000.00
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2003
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

On Site Assistance



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Direct Agreement & AV DA


17/11/2003 - 17/05/2004





Project / Budget year

WW9920 Tacis 1999 Nuclear Safety / 1999


The OSA contract to this project bridged the time to continue without interruption the On-Site-Activity of the Western Utility RWE.

Initially it was foreseen to have the service contract for the PIP implementation phase in force at the end of 2003. The new contracting scheme for the On-site Assistance service contracts (Expression of interest procedure) developed over a longer period as foreseen.

This resulted in the situation that the coverage for the ongoing on site assistance in the frame of the TACIS 97 and TACIS 98 service contracts between EC and RWE Biblis phased out in the last quarter of 2003. To avoid a gap in the on site assistance activities and in the preparation of the PIP tender process, the EC decided to place this Bridging Contract for a period of only 6 months.


The bridging contract came into force on 17 November 2003 and enabled to continue the on site assistance without interruption. The project management and general coordination continued for all ongoing projects by ensuring a sustainable working environment. The on site office could be kept working. Preparatory steps for the PIP phase were started in line with the progress of the finalization of the technical specifications of the three PIP projects U1.03/99 A, B and C. The preparation of the tender dossier documentation started in January 2004.The commencement date for the start of work of the local staff was 29 January 2004. This leads to the fact that some tasks could not be started before the side letter for the non key personnel was approved. This resulted at the end of the contract that it was impossible to finish all planned and calculated workdays by the non key personnel.

After the non key personnel side letter became effective, the long term local experts received initial training, got acquainted with the tasks and conditions and started to perform the assigned work, i.e. support of the key experts in the coordination of projects and the preparation of the PIP phase.

The EC decided to include the Zaporozhye PIP project implementation into the AP 2002, therefore the new project titles for the PIP projects became:

U01.03/02 B1 Replacement of SG Safety Valves for 6 Units
U01.03/02 B2 Pilot Valves for Pressurizer Safety Valves Units 1-4
U1.03/02 B3 Replacement of Feedwater Control Valves.
During the initial phase of the bridging contract it became obvious that the finalization process of the technical specifications was not going to be completed in the foreseen time. Therefore the start of tender dossier preparation had to be postponed by approximately 6 weeks for project 01.03/02 B1. Reasons for the delay are additional comments and new unacceptable conditions from the Ukrainian organizations on all specifications and a cumbersome review process beyond the influence of RWE Biblis.

The Individual Supply Contract Forecast drafts for all three PIP projects were prepared and submitted to the EC on 07 January 2004. The Individual Supply Contract Forecasts were published on 26 March 2004.

The most advanced stage was achieved for the PIP project 01.03/02 B1 on Replacement of SG Safety Valves for 6 Units. JRC issued the preliminary attestation of the neutrality of the technical specification on 17 February 2004. The first draft of the tender dossier was submitted to A6 on 15 March 2003. The entire process of reviewing, revising and finalizing the B1 tender dossier took 2 months. One meeting took place between Biblis and EC/A5 and A6 on 01 April 2004. In connection with the tender dossier preparation it became necessary to make some formal modifications in the already by SNRC and JRC approved technical specification, which was done in April 2004 with the consent of ZNPP/NAEK and JRC. The final attestation of the neutrality was issued by JRC on 14 May 2004 and the final tender dossier was approved on 14 May 2004. With this milestone all foreseen tasks for B1 were completed, the B1 tender was published on 27 May 2004.


On-site Assistance

Co-ordination of all interfaces on-site and with relevant organizations.

Intermittent on site presence of the key personnel core team for assistance, general coordination of project implementation by support to ZNPP (regular meetings with the chief engineer and the technical experts). Communication with all interfaces.

Seminars/Know how Transfer

The seminar on the topic “Piping system analysis tools and methods” could not be performed due to unavailability of experts during other priorities during outage.

Tender Dossier Preparation

U1.03/02 B1 Steam Generator (SG) Safety Valves

The draft version of the Individual Supply Contract Forecast was submitted on 07 January 2004 and the Individual Supply Contract Forecast was published on 26 March 2004.

The modified technical specification rev 01 and the evaluation criteria rev 02 have been re-submitted to JRC on 06 January 2004. After a process of TS reviewing and modification (approximately 6 weeks) JRC issued the preliminary attestation of neutrality on 17 February 2004. This was the mandatory pre requisite to complete in full detail the tender dossier draft.

The tender dossier drafting started mid January 2004, about 6 weeks later as scheduled. The first draft was transmitted to A6 on 15 March 2004. In the following 2 months a close interaction between Unit A6, Biblis and ZNPP/NAEK and JRC led to the approval of the final tender dossier on 14 May 2004 and the consent on formal modifications of the technical specification and the subsequent issue of the final attestation of neutrality by JRC on 14 may 2004. The tender for B1 was published on 27 May 2004. The tasks for this project were completed, according to the initial time schedule of the bridging contract, with a delay of 2 weeks.

U1.03/02 B2 Pilot Valves for Pressurizer SV for Unit 1-4

The draft version of the Individual Supply Contract Forecast was submitted to the EC on 07 January 2004 and the Individual Supply Contract Forecast was published on 26 March 2004.

Tender dossier preparation could not commence due to the missing approval of the technical specification.

U1.03/02 B3 Feed water Control Valves

The draft version of the Individual Supply Contract Forecast was submitted to the EC on 07 January 2004 and the Individual Supply Contract Forecast was published on 26 March 2004.

Tender dossier preparation could not commence due to the missing approval of the technical specification. For further details see attachment.