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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

Cons Serv to Prepare OSEP Proj Specif

  • Closed
TACIS Region
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe and Central Asia
€ 53,032.00
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1996
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Emergency Preparedness



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Direct Agreement & AV DA


24/06/1996 - 24/01/1997



Project / Budget year

WW9406 Nuclear Safety 1994 / 1994


Recognizing the needs to assist countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) to enhance their Off-Site Emergency Preparedness (OSEP) for nuclear accidents, the European Commission (EC) Inter-service working group on OSEP launched the Need Assessment study on OSEP in CEE. The study, which comprised 14 CEE countries, was completed in February 1996, and its results delivered to the EC. The study identified numerous specific and general (regional) needs, and listed all on-going and planned assistance projects.

The results of the study were evaluated by the EC’s Inter-service OSEP group. Among the needs identified by the study, several priority areas were highlighted. Resources available within various EC-sponsored programs allow for implementation of the most urgent needs already in 1996. The assistance would be made available promptly to respond quickly to pressing needs and to improve the situation on the OSEP in CEE countries.


The objective of the project was to develop specific Terms of References (TOR) which would be used for inviting the tenders for the assistance projects related to the off site emergency planning in CEE countries. The TORs were to be established for the following projects:

  • Project A: Provision for iodine tablets for emergency personnel and population.
  • Project B: Provision for personal protection gear and devices for emergency teams.
  • Project C: Improvement of communications.
  • Project D: Improvement of monitoring and early warning capabilities in emergency zones.
  • Project E: Accelerated implementation of the RODOS Decision Support system.

An additional issue to be addressed in the framework of the project was to define the scope and the contents of strategic reviews which are needed in some of the countries before specific assistance projects could be defined.


The Needs assessment study on the OSEP in 14 countries of CEE identified numerous deficiencies related to various aspects of OSEP in all countries visited. The actual situation deviate and sometimes large differences exists among countries visited.

In the framework of the Need-assessment study on OSEP, the actual needs identified by countries themselves and/or by the needs assessment teams were ranked according with the specific criteria developed. The needs identified were presented to the EC’s Inter service group on OSEP, and further discussed considering other on-going assistance programs related to OSEP.

The urgent needs on the area of OSEP which were identified in early 1996 would be fulfilled during 1997, contributing to a visible enhancement in OSEP in some of the countries.