- Status
- Closed
- Type of activity
Equipment Supply
- Nature
- Contracting authority
European Commission
- Method of Procurement
(FR2007) Negotiated Procedure - External Actions
- Duration
05/12/2011 - 04/06/2014
- Contractor
- Project / Budget year
Action Programme Nuclear Safety 2007 - part II - Ukraine / 2007
In the framework of the TACIS 2007 Programme, the European Commission agreed with NAEK-Energoatom and Zaporozhe Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) on the improving the nuclear safety of Ukrainian NPP's by implementing the project of “Completion of the National Maintenance and Management Training Centre for SE NNEGC “Energoatom” Personnel at Zaporozhye NPP, Ukraine (U1.05/07A).
The key element of the Programme is the establishment of the National Training Centre for maintenance personnel, which will allow NPP personnel to have practical training in all areas of NPP maintenance.
Management training is another important component of the NPP training system. It is common knowledge that competency of managers effects not only the business activity of an organisation, but also its culture. Competency of junior level managers is a significant element for ensuring high standards of Safety Culture.
Enhance the safety of Ukrainian NPPs through further improvement of the training system for maintenance and management personnel of SE NNEGC Energoatom
The objective of the project is to establish a state-of-the-art national centre for training of SE NNEGC “Energoatom” maintenance and management personnel on the basis of Zaporozhye NPP Training Centre to ensure:
- Sustainable improvement in safety culture and improvement of the overall safety management capabilities of NPP personnel at all levels
- Sustainable and continuous improvement in the capability of SE NNEGC “Energoatom” high level, junior and middle level management.
- Sustainable and continuous improvement in maintenance activities with regard to NPP plant and equipment, through:
- improvement of the quality assessment system of the maintenance personnel training
- improvement in the quality of maintenance works;
- reduction of the period of exposure of NPP staff to ionising radiation, in accordance with the ALARA principle, due to training for complex maintenance operations in realistic simulated conditions prior to execution in radiation hazardous areas;
- promote the adaptation of maintenance tools following the needs emerging from the training feedback and the feedback from plant managers
The project U1.05/07 has been launched in 2009 and is divided into three parts.
U1.05/07A (Part A): includes review and study of best international practices in maintenance and management training, training needs analysis for maintenance and management personnel, development and delivery of training programmes and materials, development of technical specifications for technical training tools of general and special assignment, training of trainers and implementation of pilot training courses.
U1.05/07B (Part B): Supply of general assignment technical training tools for arrangement of areas for the pre-simulator training and specialized classrooms as specified in U1.05/07A (general assignment tools are standard equipment for pre-simulator training that may be ordered from catalogues, including: projectors, computers, office devices, furniture, standard tools, instruments, etc.)
U1.05/07C (Part C): Supply of special assignment technical training tools as specified in U1.05/07A (special assignment tools are full scope and local simulators of process equipment prepared for practical training which have to be made according to special requirements)
The supply of equipment and technical training tools of this part of the project (U1.05/07C) is divided into six lots and are specified in six (6) Technical Specifications. The six Lots are:
- Lot 1 Refueling Machine MPS-1000 Simulator of the “Refueling” Laboratory
- Lot 2 Control Rod Drives Test Rig Simulator of the “FSS – Mechanical part of CRD” Laboratory
- Lot 3 - Valves Test Rig Simulator of the “Pipeline Valves” Laboratory
- Lot 4 - Test Specimens and Technical Training Tools/Equipment for Ultrasonic Inspection Personnel Training in the “Metal Inspection” Laboratory
- Lot 5 High Voltage Electrical Equipment Training Simulator for Testing and Diagnostic of “High Voltage Testing and Electrical Equipment Diagnostics” Laboratory
- Lot 6 Emergency Protection and Warning Protection System Simulator for Reactor Control and Protection System of “Maintenance & Repair of CPS and Neutron Flux Monitoring Equipment” Laboratory
Lot 1 and 2 contracts were awarded after successful tender procedure
Lot 3 and 6 contracts were awarded via negotiated procedure after unsuccessful tender procedure
Lot 4 and 5 tender procedure were cancelled
The present project covered the Lot 3 - Supply of technical training tools of special purpose for a Valves test rig simulator of the “Pipeline valves” dedicated laboratory. The supply project is aimed at design, manufacturing, delivery, installation and commissioning of the NPP process equipment simulator for maintenance personnel practical training and in specific:
Valve test rig including:
- Mounting base
- Clamping device
- Control panel
- High pressure compressor unit (booster)
- Data recording, documenting and archiving system
- Protective movable shields
- Spare parts, consumables, tools and accessories
The simulator shall be used for practical training of maintenance personnel, for the performance of works on a rig for hydraulic and pneumatic testing of valves using a Systematic Approach for Training for the phases starting from initial knowledge control and up to the trainees’ demonstration of abilities and skills gained on the simulator.
The intended usage of the simulator is training of maintenance personnel, involved in technical maintenance and repair of pipeline valves. In addition the simulator can be used for the quality control of NPP pipeline valves technical maintenance and repair when trainees practise their skills in typical malfunction elimination and valve assembly.
The pilot training courses are developed and executed in the framework of the service contract "'Completion of the National Maintenance and Management Training Centre for NNEGC Energoatom personnel at Zaporozhye NPP – U1.05/07A (Contract 171840). The generic list of training tasks, (i.e. terminal objectives) implemented in the course of personnel practical training with a simulator are:
- To perform post overhaul hydraulic strength tests for repaired valves;
- To perform post overhaul hydraulic and pneumatic tests of stop and control valves for external and internal leak resistance (tightness);
- To adjust relief valves for vacuum relief initial opening pressure.
- To record, archive test results and to execute report documentation on results of valves testing.
The contract with the supplier of the equipment Ukrainian Atom Instruments Corporation, Ukraine was signed in December 2011.
The new equipment has been installed in the new extension of the existing Training centre building. The new extension building has been planned, erected and financed under the responsibility of Energoatom and ZNPP.
The equipment was installed by the supplier under supervision of ZNPP. The site acceptance test (SAT) was performed in February 2013 and the Provisional Acceptance Certificate (PAC) was signed on 25.07.2013. The Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC) was signed after expiration of the warranty period 26.09.2014.
The achievement of this project, when the national training centre is completed and all equipment (EU and Energoatom financed) are installed, is to ensure advanced training of maintenance personnel on simulators and mock-ups and through that an increase of safe operation of the plant due to accurate maintained equipment and trained operators.