- Status
- Closed
- Type of activity
Regulatory Authorities
- Nature
- Contracting authority
Ministry of Emergency Situations (Belarus)
- Method of Procurement
(FR2007) (Ext. act) Supply - International Open Procedure after publication of a contract notice - Art. 243.1(a) IR
- Duration
23/07/2009 - 09/01/2011
- Contractor
- Project / Budget year
TACIS 2006 Nuclear Safety Action Programme / 2006
The wider objective of project B3.01/06 "Transfer of European Regulatory Methodology and Practices to the Nuclear Safety Authorities of Belarus - Regulatory Assistance and Technical Support in the Field of Radiation Protection and Emergency Preparedness (BE/RA/04)" is to continue the support and strengthening of the national nuclear safety and radiation protection regulatory system in Belarus.
The Project Specifications consist of the following three lots:
Lot 1: Calibration bench for gamma radiation dosimeters: infrastructure to allow verification, calibration, graduation and metrological testing of dosimetric instruments in a collimated beam of gamma radiation with differing intensity in dependence on source term and distance to source. Including radioactive sources for calibration of gamma radiation dosimeters. Radioactive sources (Cs-137) with the total activity up to 24.1∙TBq (651 Ci). (Contract 214-303)
Lot 2: Radiation measurement techniques and devices: radiation measurement devices for qualitative and quantitative detection of alpha-, beta-, gamma- and neutron radiation. Device for identification, localisation and analysis of radiation sources. Dosimetric devices for dose assessment. (Contract 214-310)
Lot 3: Container-type decontamination unit: transportable decontamination unit with pre-decontamination in tent structure and final decontamination in different sections, housed in a standard 20 feet container (Contract 132-896)
For Lot 2, this contract, the following equipment was delivered to RIFSE, the Research Institute for Fire Safety and Emergencies of the Ministry for Emergency Situations, in Svetlaya Roscha,
One Dosimeter AT5350 including 3 measuring chambers (TM30010, TM 23361 and TM32002) plus notebook as data back up.
8 personal digital dosimeters AT3509A for measuring of x-ray and gamma radiation personal dose equivalent and dose rate equivalent, plus reader and applied software
Two portable radiation monitors AT1117M with exchangeable detector units to measure ambient equivalent x-ray, gamma radiation dose rate, alpha and beta radiation flux density and surface activity from contaminated surfaces
An alarm area monitor / dosimeter AT2327 to perform environmental and area radiation monitoring of radiation-sensitive rooms and targets
The following equipment was delivered to RSRT, the Republican Special Response Team of the Ministry for Emergency Situations, Minsk, Republic of Belarus:
One portable radiation monitors AT1117M , with exchangeable detector units to measure ambient equivalent x-ray, gamma radiation dose rate, alpha and beta radiation flux density and surface activity from contaminated surfaces
The following equipment was delivered to CEI, the Command and Engineering Institute of the Ministry for Emergency Situations, Minsk
A Gamma radio-activity monitor AT1320 to analyse activity concentrations, including volume and specific 137Cs radioactivity in environmental samples and specific activity of natural radionuclides 40K, 226Ra and 232Th in building materials and to perform scrap metal radiation monitoring
A portable radiation monitor AT1125A including Data acquisition and processing unit.
A portable radiation monitor PM1402M including external probes, shielding co¬tainer and accessories to search and detect gamma radiation sources, measure ambient gamma radiation dose equivalent rate and alpha and beta radiation flux density from contaminated surfaces and estimate 137Cs specific activity in environmental samples, including CsI scintillation detectors, GM based detector, a neutron; He-3 detector and an alpha, beta gas counter detector.
A handheld portable radiation monitor PM1401K with 5 in-built detectors for detection and search of any radiation sources, their localization on photon, neutron, alpha and beta radiation.
The following equipment was delivered to GEI, the Gomel Engineer Institute of the Ministry for Emergency Situations in Gomel:
Three handheld monitors for X-Ray and gamma radiation, for continuous and pulsed x-ray and gamma radiation dosimetry in wide ranges of ambient dose equivalent rate and energy.
A portable radiation monitor AT1125A including Data acquisition and processing unit.
15 personal digital dosimeters AT3509A for measuring of x-ray and gamma radiation personal dose equivalent and dose rate equivalent, plus reader and applied software
Two portable radiation monitors AT1117M , with exchangeable detector units to measure ambient equivalent x-ray, gamma radiation dose rate, alpha and beta radiation flux density and surface activity from contaminated surfaces