- Status
- Closed
TACIS Region
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe and Central Asia
€ 189,990.00
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2008
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States
Within the preparation and implementation of the 2008 and 2009 INSC (Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation) program the European Commission via DG AIDCO has setup a framework contract for supporting the Ukrainian-European task force in the definition of future radwaste management and decommissioning tasks. The framework contract has the following specific objectives:
- Support the establishment of the Ukrainian-European task force for the definition of radwaste management and decommissioning future support.
- Provide technical, organisational and administrative support for the activities of the task force.
- Identify issues and programmatic elements that are currently relevant to the achievements of the above goals.
- Prepare project description sheets (PDS), terms of reference (ToR) and technical specifications (TS) for selected projects and specific actions and assist in establishing the conditions for the procurement process under the INSC framework.
The contract was awarded to the COWI Consortium (comprising of the companies COWI, BCEOM, ENVIROS, EXERGIA and Tractebel) and started on the 1st April 2008. The contract ended on 31st March 2009 and all requested five deliverables of the project were submitted. These were:
- work plan including schedule for implementation,
- detailed report describing the support provided to the task group,
- report containing a set of PDSs, ToR and TS and other developed tender documentation,
- report documenting the procurement procedures and the activities undertaken for supporting the new procurement structure under the INSC, and
- final report summarizing all activities.