- Status
- Closed
This project constituted a follow-up of the two previous ANRA technical support actions (AR/TS/01 and AR/TS/02).
Its overall objective was to provide technical assistance to ANRA in licensing safety improvement measures of Medzamor Unit 2 to be financed by Tacis in the framework of the On Site Assistance (OSA) Tacis project (A1.01/00A), namely the Leak Before Break (LBB) procedures, the Instrumentation and Control (I&C) and the Primary Circuit Emergency Make-up pumps.
The project aimed also to continue the transfer of know-how by complementing the previous actions on operational safety and by developing a medium-term action plan in order to strengthen the technical support organization (TSO) of ANRA, the Scientific and Technical Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety.
The specific objectives were:
Task 1: Technical support to ANRA for licensing related activities for LBB concept/devices
This task aimed to give ANRA the feedback about the LBB applicability to Soviet origin plants and to provide ANRA technical support for the evaluation of the LBB concept and devices in a 2+2 approach. More specifically, the technical support had to deal with the decision on modernisation, the evaluation of the technical tasks, the analysis of the technical specifications of the studies to be done, the review of those studies and the review of the technical specifications of the equipment to be installed.
Task 2: Technical support to ANRA for licensing related activities for the improvement of the I&C systems
Support was planned to ANRA in a 2+2 approach for the evaluation of the modernisation programme and the design and for the evaluation of the technical specifications of the primary pressure control system, the reactor neutron flux instrumentation, the primary coolant chemical control, the gas removal system from under the reactor head and the radiological instrumentation.
Task 3: Technical support to ANRA for licensing related activities for the Primary Circuit Emergency Make-up pumps.
This task dealt with 2+2 approach for the evaluation of the modernisation programme and for the evaluation of the technical specifications.
Task 4: Technical support to ANRA for licensing related activities of other modernisation measures.
This task dealt with 2+2 approach for the evaluation of various modifications, mainly the implementation of feed and bleed procedures for the newly installed pressuriser safety valves, as a follow-up of project AR/TS/02.
Task 5: Transfer of know-how related to evaluation of operational safety.
he Western European practices were to be explained to ANRA as part of the support for the evaluation of an overall NPP operational modernisation programme and for the evaluation of any operational improvement that would be proposed by the NPP before the end of the contractual period.
Task 6: First series of actions for the development in Armenia of independent TSO capabilities.
This task aimed to develop a strategic plan for the development of TSO capabilities, based on the assessment of the ANRA current technical situation (in the field of thermohydraulics, Probabilistic Safety Assessment, neutron physics, service life time, operating experience feedback, spent fuel, monitoring systems, radiation protection). The plan to be proposed had to provide recommendations, thematic directions to be developed, and define a project for strengthening the local capabilities.
Task 1: The technical specifications for the studies to be performed in relation with the Leak Before Break (LBB) approach were reviewed and commented by the contractor and by ANRA and they were finally approved by ANRA in December 2002.
The utility presented technical specifications of TV cameras which could be used as a potential leak detection system in the framework of the LBB approach. The technical specifications were reviewed and commented by the contractor who advised ANRA to reject the proposal until further analysis of the existing leak detection system.
Task 2: The decisions for modernisation documents and the technical specifications for the Neutron Flux Source Range Monitoring System, the Radiation Monitoring, the Water Chemistry Control Systems, the Reactor Vessel Head Venting System and the Primary Circuit Pressure Control System were reviewed by the contractor. After several rounds of discussions with the licensee and the designers, the technical specifications were approved by ANRA.
Task 3: This task was cancelled because the technical measures had been implemented at the NPP with its own means prior to the signature of the contract.
Task 4: The Cold Overpressure Protection (COP) device and the feed and bleed procedure were not sufficiently documented by the utility and as a result, they could not be reviewed by the contractor. Nevertheless, ANRA was given support about the seismic upgrading measures of Medzamor.
Task 5: This task was cancelled because the NPP did not propose any operational modernisation programme.
Task 6: The contractor analyzed the current situation of ANRA an its TSO (Scientific and Technical Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety) and proposed a list of priority tasks to be implemented by the TSO, concerning for example the physical protection of nuclear material, the development of scientific bases for analysis and methods for risk assessment and ageing management.