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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

A1.01/10 Support to Nuclear Operator of Armenial - On-Site Assistance to Armenian Nuclear Power Plant

  • Closed
Miscellaneous Countries
Benefitting Zone
€ 3,345,000.00
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2011
Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation II


Type of activity

On Site Assistance



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Restricted Call for Tender - External Actions


28/02/2011 - 27/02/2017


Armenian NPP



Project / Budget year
  • Support measures 2015 for the INSC management / 2015
  • INSC 2013 Global allocation (1 action fiche) / 2013
  • Action Programme Nuclear Safety 2010 - part I / 2010


The broad aim of the EC’s On-site assistance for the Armenian Nuclear Power Plant (ANPP) was to transfer operational safety culture and support the implementation of nuclear safety improvements at the ANPP. Despite real progress achieved in increasing nuclear safety, there is a continued concern surrounding the use of nuclear energy in ANPP. This calls for maintaining a strong EU engagement in order to support the countries’ efforts to deal with problems inherited from the past in a context of on-going budget difficulties. The overall objectives of the project were:

  • The introduction and consolidation of a safety culture at all appropriate levels, in particular with regard to the nuclear power plant, which still needs improvement from the point of view of safety;
  • Proper regulation and operation of the plant;
  • Effective upgrading activities


The main results of the project can be divided into Soft On-Site Assistance (Soft OSA) and Hard On-Site Assistance (Hard OSA). The Soft OSA consisted of significant activities to transfer a nuclear safety culture, leading to an important and permanent improvement of the NPP nuclear safety. It included also timely planning and offering of training and teaching linked to the installation of new equipment or systems. Following tasks were identified and implemented:

  • Enhancement of Operational practices
  • Radiation protection enhancement
  • Radioactive waste management
  • Decommissioning planning
  • Support to Licensing
  • Support to Operators' Training
  • Maintenance Support
  • Support to Training

The Hard OSA consisted of assisting the Commission in the supplies tendering and implementation phases for technical matters. Following equipment supply projects were implemented:

  • Operation of the Emergency Core Cooling System in long term cooling mode
  • Full Scope Simulator
  • Enhancement of maintenance practice
  • Decommissioning concept and licensing documents / Implementation of Pilot decommissioning project
  • Enhancement of Reactor Confinement Spray System and Primary Circuit Pressure Suppression System
  • Enhancement of ANPP safety culture and nuclear safety via implementation of IAEA OSART mission recommendations
  • Stress test & Safety Analysis Report
  • Enhancement of Nuclear Material Accounting & Control at ANPP In addition, the Hard OSA included the finalisation of specific equipment supplies and studies related to:
  • Primary Circuit In-Service Inspection
  • Pipe Integrity - Supply
  • Sump Clogging Prevention
  • Boron Concentration Measurement System and Neutron Flux Monitoring System
  • Improvement of Radioprotection system
  • Remote Shutdown Panel and & Post-Accident Monitoring System
  • Strengthening of the Main Control Room function


The project has a direct benefit to nuclear safety and impacts on the protection of the environment and public health by reducing the risk of a major nuclear incident or radioactive releases at the Armenian NPP. Improved management at operator level contributes to better maintenance of the installations, a reduced exposure of operators to radiation and in general improved corporate governance and transparency.