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Nuclear Safety Cooperation


The EU attaches great importance to the highest standards of nuclear safety in Europe and beyond its borders. Through cooperation under the Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation (INSC), the EU contributes to the improvement of nuclear safety levels and efficient and effective nuclear safeguards in non-EU countries.

The INSC was established by Council Regulation (Euratom) N° 300 / 2007 of 19 February 2007, in a follow-up to the TACIS nuclear programme. € 524 million was allocated for the period 2007 - 2013 to support EU activities and promote the highest levels of nuclear safety, radiation protection and effective nuclear safeguards globally. Through the INSC the EU supports joint projects with the International Atomic Energy Agency, and contributes towards completion of the Chernobyl projects through the Chernobyl Funds managed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The EU is the largest donor to these Funds devoted to the completion of vital work at Chernobyl.

Major elements of INSC cooperation with non-EU countries include the promotion and development of effective regulatory frameworks, technical support to regulatory bodies, nuclear operators and national technical safety organisations, including in the field of nuclear safeguards, radioactive waste management and emergency preparedness. EU support is aimed at ensuring that nuclear safety is the leading concept in regulatory and legal frameworks and operational decisions in non-EU countries.

Cooperation under INSC is ongoing or planned with approximately 20 countries worldwide, bilaterally and regionally. The EU is cooperating with countries in the Eastern European Neighbourhood and Central Asia region, Southern European Neighbourhood and Middle East, Latin America, Asia and South-East Asia. Individual projects are elaborated in detail in the Annual Action Programmes.


Instrument for Nuclear Safety Co-operation


2007 to 2013

European Commission DG: