- Status
- Closed
TACIS Region
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe and Central Asia
€ 10,777,552.35
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2006
Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation
At the end of the Project the following specific results are aimed at:
- Mayak RT-1 Plant will possess the certified technologies and infrastructure to perform measurement of NM content in wastes and hold-ups in compliance with RF and Rosatom regulations;
- The system of accountancy and control of nuclear materials in Russian (Kursk) and Armenian (Medzamor) nuclear power plants will be improved;
- The JRC will support VNIIA to request the accreditation for the test laboratory, capable of certifying NMAC instruments;
- The completion of process of creation of three branch laboratories in VNIINM, will be achieved;
- Modern TID (Tampering Indicator Devices) system applications will be developed, to be used at Rosatom's enterprises, improving NMAC system;
- Solutions for processing and management of naval spent nuclear fuel in North West Russia will be developed;
- Support to combat illicit trafficking of nuclear and radioactive substances will be provided through the multi-country project. The transfer of know-how will significantly improve the capabilities of the participating countries in the field. Moreover, procedures of identification of NM of unknown origin will be improved;
- The procedure on combating illicit NRM trafficking at the border check points will be assessed and upgraded;
- Sustainable improvement in the capability for analysing nuclear material will be provided to Ukraine and Kazakhstan. This capability may serve for the characterization of nuclear material seized from illicit trafficking, it may also serve for analysis of nuclear material for accountancy or safeguards purposes;
- Completely automatic near-real time overview on the nuclear material inventory will be achieved in the Ulba fuel fabrication plant;
- Sustainability of the Ural Siberian Research and Methodology Centre (UrSiMRC) will be guaranteed;