- Status
- Closed
All Countries
Benefitting Zone
€ 18,270.02
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1998
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States
Unit 1A/C5, which managed the implementation of the TACIS Nuclear safety program, needed technical advice on specific topics. The necessary expertise was not always available within DG1A/C5 or the other services, so external expertise was required.
For this project it was required expertise related to:
- radwaste management in Northwest Russia (project R4.02/96a) and
- training of middle management staff from NPP(project U2.04/96).
The assistance consisted of:
- examination of project-related documents
- providing expert advice on the administrative measures that the Commission should take in the implementation of the projects.
All tasks undertaken by the experts were controlled by the Task manager in DG1A. For each project, it was included a meeting within the task manager and experts, preparatory work for the meeting and the provision of reports pursuant to the meeting.