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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

R5.01/00 Kursk & Kalinin NPP - Enhancing Nuclear Material Accountancy on Kursk and Kalinin Nuclear Power Plants and supply of modern equipment

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe / North Asia
€ 398,582.46
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2002
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity




Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Direct Agreement & AV DA


01/02/2004 - 01/02/2008



Project / Budget year

ZZ0003 Nuclear Safety 2000 / 2000


Shortly after the turn of the century, it was decided to improve Nuclear Material Accountancy and Control (NMAC) at Nuclear Power Plants of Rosenergoatom in order to be compatible with the new Russian regulations recently adopted (Decree No. 746 on the Rules for organisation of the State System for Accountancy and Control [SSAC] issued by the government of the Russian Federation on 10 July 1998). The new regulations were in line with the international practices and standards. This improved NMAC system was to be implemented at all NPPs. This implied a system based on accountancy of the mass of Uranium and Plutonium, different but supplementing the then current one in use at NPPs, which was based on item accountancy. Due to the large quantity of nuclear fuel data and large amount of spent fuel stored at RBMKs, the implementation of a Computerised Nuclear Material Accountancy and Control System (CNMAS) became a necessity.

This project is step 2 of the TACIS programme aimed at implementing enhanced systems for NMAC at Russian NPPs. This step 2 includes implementation of the enhanced NMAC system at Kursk (RBMK) and Kalinin (VVER-1000) NPPs, as pilot plants, following the feasibility study and the design of the system performed in step 1 (see contract 26276).

The programme comprised two projects (steps), i.e.:
(i) Project R5.01/98 (step 1 – see contract 26276), to perform the feasibility study/ outline for the enhanced NMAC systems to be implemented at the two pilot plants, and
(ii) Project R5.01/00 (step 2 – this contract), for the actual implementation of the NMAC systems at these NPPs.

Step 3, i.e. the implementation of enhanced NMAC systems at all other NPP of the Russian Federation, was not covered by the TACIS programme. Step 3 was to be implemented by the Beneficiary without TACIS support.


The overall objective of the project and the programme was to improve the Nuclear Material Accountancy and Control (NMAC) at Russian Nuclear Power Plants (NPP) by the implementation of an enhanced NMAC system for the nuclear fuel.

The specific objectives of the present contract were the implementation of enhanced Nuclear Material Accountancy systems at two pilot plants, Kursk and Kalinin NPPs. The development of a computerised system was to be performed as well as its installation and testing (commissioning) at these two pilot plants.

Equipment for Accountancy and Control also had to be supplied on the basis of the results of task 4 of the feasibility study (contract 26276). The list of equipment included gamma detectors, seals and related devices, video cameras and other specific equipment. Prioritisation and decision on the exact scope of equipment supply was to be confirmed during the inception phase of the project.

The project consisted of the following tasks:

Development of the computerised part of the system

Functional analysis: This activity was only partially completed (about 65%) under the project R5.01/98 (contract 26276). It remained to finalise the conceptual definition of the data base structure and modular application’s functionality. It was also necessary to define the input/output tools and syntactical rules (possible sequences of movements of nuclear fuel).

The deliverables were the process-flow model, the detailed process model, the conceptual model, the functions hierarchy model and the system architecture. They had to be formally validated and endorsed by the Beneficiary as reflecting its real needs and requests. They would further serve as a basis for the technical analysis. Part of this analysis was already performed during the feasibility study (contract 26276) by Oracle. Oracle had to complete the Functional analysis in the frame of the present contract.

Technical analysis: This included the generation of the physical structure/model of the data base, definition of the individual functions and definition of the processing rules. It also included the compilation of the data dictionary, the Technical specification of the NMAC bookkeeping module, the Technical Specification of the setup and initial-load module, the technical definition of the NMA reporting and inventory management modules and the data base normalisation. It also included the definition of the tests packages (one per NPP type).

The output (deliverable) of the technical analysis had to be formally validated and endorsed by the Beneficiary as reflecting its real needs and requests. It would further serve as a basis for the development.

Development: This consisted of generating the database (setup, initial-load and data base modules), creating the various transaction tools (for example programming the Nuclear Material flow within Key Measurement Points). It also included the development of screens to be filled in by the NPP NMAC custodians, the NMAC bookkeeping module creation, the development of NMA reporting and accountancy forms (according to the applicable rules).

Development included also the elaboration of the user documents, i.e. the user guides, installation guides for the NMAC services of the plants, local system administrator (LSA) user guides and trouble shooting documents.

At the end of the development phase the software itself was to be delivered.

Testing: For testing, the test package defined in the technical analysis would be used. Testing comprised 2 phases:
· Alpha test for the global consistency of the system. This was performed at the developer’s premises and could lead to limited re-developments (design or code modifications),
· Beta test, performed at each plant (Kursk and Kalinin). Eventual adaptations and corrections could be defined and decided at this stage. This test would be concluded by the final acceptance of the product.

Procurement and installation of information technology equipment

The realisation of the project required the installation of a computer network. The components of the network were to be procured following EC procurement procedures. A preliminary list of the components was defined in Deliverable 2 of the feasibility study. Kalinin NPP was already provided with a computer network and therefore only limited equipment could have to be provided for the purpose of the present project. As far as Kursk NPP is concerned, a complete network – dedicated to NMAC- was to be provided.

The design of the network was to be done by the subcontractor under the responsibility of the JRC. It included the definition of the working places (together with the developer and the plant), the definition of equipment to be installed at each working place (PCs, printers, etc.), cabling, installation of the server, etc. The design had to be specifically approved by the plant management.

The consultant was also required to provide support for the tendering and contracting of the equipment supply contracts as well as the follow-up of its delivery and installation.

Procurement of measurement equipment (follow up of task n° 4 of the feasibility study)

This activity, launched under the feasibility study, was to be completed in order to confirm the list of required equipment. The output of the activity was the Technical Specifications for the equipment to be procured, compliant with EC procurement procedures.
Seals and surveillance: on the basis of the documents produced during the feasibility step, the adaptability of the seals developed by the JRC was to be studied. The target would be to install seals at Kursk NPP, in the long-term storage ponds, mainly for compacted storage. These seals would be able to ensure that no unidentified movement of any cassette or spider could occur. Various additional surveillance means, such as cameras, would be installed in appropriate positions.

The consultant was also required to provide support for the tendering and contracting of the equipment supply contracts as well as the follow-up of its delivery and installation.


The contract was signed in February 2004.

In accordance with the Terms of Reference of the project, EU reviewers were subcontracted to review the analyses and developed systems. The reviewers selected were EdF, Tractebel and STUK. The EU company Oracle was subcontracted to perform the functional analysis and the Russian company Sovasatom for general and technical support.

Five reports were issued providing the technical basis of the system. Kalinin’s computer network was reviewed and a network for CNMAS was designed for Kursk NPP (with six zones). The required equipment was listed. Additionally, an English language course was prepared for Kursk staff.

After short-listing potential Suppliers, the tender was launched and evaluated in May 2006. As only one offer was received, the procedure was cancelled for lack of competition. The tender was slightly changed and republished with evaluation in October 2006. But neither of the offers received could be contracted before expiry of the budget deadline. The budget availability expired and the equipment supply project was therefore cancelled.

However, considering the high importance of the CNMAS, REA requested the Commission to investigate ways to implement the system at least for Kursk. It was decided to combine the CNMAS for Kursk with the ‘Containment & Surveillance System (C&SS) for RBMK spent fuel storage on Kursk NPP’ (included under Task G of the project Tareg 5.01/05 – see contract 116780).