CODE TRANSFER/IMPLEMENTATION-QUALIFCAT - European Commission Skip to main content
Nuclear Safety Cooperation


  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe
€ 280,221.20
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1994
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Technical Support Organisations


Services and Supplies

Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Direct Agreement & AV DA


25/07/1994 - 25/09/1995



Project / Budget year

WW9306 Nuclear Safety 1996 / 1993


This project consisted of the transfer of calculation codes for VVER-1000 from German experts to the Ukrainian Nuclear Regulatory Body (at that time GANU). The project included code handling qualification (using of German codes by Ukrainian experts), definition of training plans, accuracy assessment, upgrading of calculation codes and code modification according to the specific requirements of GANU. Finally the codes were implemented in an adequate computer in STCS (Technical Support Organization).

The concerned codes were:

NESSEL 4: Spectrum and micro burn-up calculation code for preparation of neutronphysical characteristics for stationary and instationary core conditions

FLEX: 2D fine mesh diffusion code for neutron flux and power distribution calculation of VVER Fuel element assemblies

DYN3D-M2: Code for calculation of the dynamic VVER reactor core behaviour for short-time processes like reactivity-initiated accidents

PYKIA: 3D Macro burn-up calculation code used for VVER cores in the scope of loading, reloading, fuel management, core design and safety related measures

NUKO: Code for the calculation of fuel nuclide inventory (heavy nuclides and fission products) of VVER, RBMK and CANDU fuel pins

DERAB: Code for the calculation of neutron flux, power density and burn-up distribution within VVER fuel elements

TRAPEZ: 3D macro burn-up calculation code on advanced nodal method used in the scope of core design

STEZ: code for calculation of boundary conditions for plane, cylindrical and hexagonal assemblies on the basis of an analytical method

PREPAR: code for preparation of input data for fine and coarse mesh codes basing on NESSEl-4 results.

The project included also the supply of a workstation.