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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

B3.01/06 - BE/RA/05 Support to Belarus for Upgrading of the System for Radiation Safety and Radiological Emergency Preparedness (Lot 3)

  • Closed
TACIS Region
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe and Central Asia
€ 64,000.00
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2009
Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation


Type of activity

Regulatory Authorities



Contracting authority

Ministry of Emergency Situations (Belarus)

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Negotiated Procedure - External Actions


22/07/2009 - 18/01/2011



Project / Budget year

TACIS 2006 Nuclear Safety Action Programme / 2006


The wider objective of project B3.01/05 "Transfer of European Regulatory Methodology and Practices to the Nuclear Safety Authorities of Belarus - Regulatory Assistance and Technical Support in the Field of Radiation Protection and Emergency Preparedness (BE/RA/04)" (see contract 116788) was to continue the support and strengthening of the national nuclear safety and radiation protection regulatory system in Belarus.
The TACIS project BE/RA/04 represented the fourth phase of the transfer of European regulatory methodology and practices to the nuclear safety authorities of Belarus, especially to the Ministry for Emergency Situations (MES), including the Department for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (Gosatomnadzor), the Institute for Retraining and Professional Development, the Republican Special Team of the MES, the Scientific and Research Institute of Fire and Emergency Studies (RIFSE) of MES, the Gomel Engineering Institute (GEI), the Command and Engineering Institute (CEI) and the Emergency Management Response Centre of MES.
The broad project activities focused on improving the skills and effectiveness of the regulatory body as a whole, on improving the legal and procedural base for a competent and efficient regulatory body and on implementing license-based regulatory practices in the Republic of Belarus.
A part of this project involved the supply of equipment to MES for use by its specialists working in the field of radiation safety and emergency preparedness. The equipment comprised 3 Lots which were procured through 3 contracts (contracts 214-303, 214-310 and 132-896 respectively).


The specific aim of the project included the procurement of modern devices that will significantly enhance the technical equipment capacity of the Ministry for Emergency Situations (MES) units and specialists in the field of radiation safety and emergency preparedness. These devices included:

Equipment for calibration of dosimetry devices (construction, equipment and calibration sources).

Equipment such as modern dosimeters and radiometers, search radiometers.

Equipment for the training laboratories for GEI and CEI (e.g. radiometers, dosimeters, spectrometers).

Equipment to assist the minimization of the radio-ecological threat from the disposal of radioactive waste at former military sites.
The Technical Specifications consisted of three lots:.
Lot 1: Calibration bench for gamma radiation dosimeters: infrastructure to allow verification, calibration, graduation and metrological testing of dosimetric instruments in a collimated beam of gamma radiation with differing intensity in dependence on source term and distance to source. Including radioactive sources for calibration of gamma radiation dosimeters. Radioactive sources (Cs-137) with the total activity up to 2,41∙1013 Bq (651 Ci).
Lot 2: Radiation measurement techniques and devices: radiation measurement devices for qualitative and quantitative detection of alpha-, beta-, gamma- and neutron radiation. Device for identification, localisation and analysis of radiation sources. Dosimetric devices for dose assessment.
Lot 3: Container-type decontamination unit: transportable decontamination unit with pre-decontamination in tent structure and final decontamination in different sections, housed in a standard 20 feet container.
The equipment of the 3 Lots was to be provided to four administrative subordinated units of MES:
(a) Research Institute of Fire Safety and Emergencies (RIFSE),
(b) Gomel Engineering Institute (GEI),
(c) Command and Engineering Institute (CEI),
(a) Republican Special Response Team (RSRT).
The present project summary (contract 132896) corresponds only to Lot 3. Lot 3 was to be provided to RSRT.
The Contractor's scope of supply included the manufacture, delivery, supervision of installation and commissioning, maintenance and repair during warranty of the equipment.
The project also included, for each item of equipment, on-site instruction for operation and maintenance in Russian language. Complete sets of training manuals (where applicable), in Russian, were also to be supplied.
A total of about four members of staff from each end user could attend the training for acquiring proper professional knowledge. The Supplier had to issue certificates to the participants of the training courses proving their right to operate and maintain the supplied equipment, and to be able to train other staff in turn. The training was to be performed at the end users' premises.
The equipment was to be supplied with a complete set of spare parts and consumables for one year of continuous operation. The Contractor had to guarantee the possibility for the end users to purchase spare parts (at the end users' expenses) during the entire design lifetime of the equipment (at least 10 years).
All equipment had to be supplied with documentation and manuals on full engineering, installation, operation, configuration and routine maintenance (including circuit diagrams).
The Contractor had to provide equipment, documentation and services as detailed in the attached Tables 1 and 2 and taking into account the conceptual design proposal given in the attached Figure 1.Project


The contract was signed on 22 July 2009.
The Contractor provided all Lot 3 equipment including installation and training as mentioned in project aims. The contract work was completed by 18 January 2011.