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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

Audit for the project U1.05/07 Completion of the Natioal Maintenance Management Training Centre for NNEGC Energoatom at Zaporozhye NPP

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe
€ 9,999.00
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2011
Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation


Type of activity

Technical expertise



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Single tender - External Actions


01/03/2011 - 30/04/2011



Project / Budget year

Action Programme Nuclear Safety 2010 - part I / 2010


INSC project U1.05/07 "Completion of the National Maintenance and Management Training Centre for NNEGC Energoatom Personnel at Zaporozhye NPP" (see contract 171840) was contracted on 25 August 2009 to a consortium of three companies. In late 2010 / early 2011 work on the contract was halted, the consortium was dissolved and the decision was made that the lead member of the original consortium would complete the contract alone.

It was necessary to regularise the payments to the consortium for the useful part of the work performed under the contract up to the point of suspension. As the EC had detected some irregularities in the invoicing prior to the contract suspension, the EC decided to perform a technical and financial audit of the work performed by one of the consortium members in Ukraine. The audit was performed by DG DEVCO with support for the technical part of the audit from the Joint Research Centre and an external consultant financed through the present contract.


The overall objectives of the audit were:

  • To identify the work already performed by the consortium and in particular by the consortium member in question.
  • To evaluate the quality of the deliverables produced by the consortium member and their conformity with the requirements of the ToR of the contract.
  • To assess the man days commensurate with the preparation of the analysed deliverables.

The work of the consultant included preparatory analysis of information submitted by the consortium member to be audited prior to the mission, participation in the 3 day mission to Ukraine to participate in the audit and the preparation of a report within one month of the mission.


The contract was signed on 28 February 2011. The audit took place from 2-4 March and the contract activities were completed by 30 April 2011. The results of the audit assisted DEVCO to regularise payments, to secure the financial health of the contract and to establish the basis for the sound continuation of the project.